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Karen Venable is a huge supporter of shared housing. She is working with the Village to Village Network on prototyping the concept of shared housing. She has also worked with and the National Council on Aging on issues of shared housing.

Latest Posts By Karen Venable

6 months ago

How Clearing Clutter Can Help You Find Freedom and Happiness After 60

I came across this quote about clearing clutter on – of all places – a medical website, and it struck me as the perfect way to look at the “too much stuff” conundrum I’m still struggling with. If you have so much stuff it drags you into…

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2 years ago

4 Positive Ways to Deal with Loneliness Over the Holidays

We can be sailing along just fine – independent, self-contained, pursuing our own interests, plenty of friends, regular contact with family members, and then boom! – the holidays come upon us and we feel like our ship starts to sink…

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2 years ago

The Unexpected Benefits of Downsizing: Clear Your Clutter and Your Outlook on Life

Maybe you’re still living in the house where you raised the children: Bedrooms remain unused. Closets are full of things accumulated over decades. Memories are in every corner. The garage is stuffed with who knows what…

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2 years ago

Think You Could Never Live with a Roommate After 60? Think Again!

Sometimes the hardest hurdles we face are the ones we create ourselves. Meaning that they’re not really there – they’re only in our minds. This is especially true of the whole question of taking on a roommate…

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3 years ago

Looking for a Roommate After 60? Don’t Forget to Talk About Money!

We all know that money is that last taboo topic, causing more embarrassment, secrecy and shame than even conversations about sex. So, if you’re making plans to live with a roommate, it’s a good idea to acknowledge that fact up front and make a commitment to tackle the subject openly…

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3 years ago

5 Tips to Help You Find a Roommate After 60

One of the most important steps in finding a roommate is deciding that you’re ready to do so. This step, however, often gets trampled over in the decision-making process. So, I advise women who are contemplating the roommate…

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3 years ago

2 Simply Fantastic Websites to Help You Embrace a Minimalist Lifestyle

Minimalism is a cool trend. I truly believe that minimalist living is something that Boomer women, especially, should look into. After years of home making, traveling, careers, and maybe children and grandchildren, chances are we’ve accumulated…

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4 years ago

Financially, Millennials Have More in Common with Their Grandparents Than Us!

Our attitudes toward the important things in life – relationships, money, and careers – are shaped by the experiences we have in our youth. The Millennial generation – our kids, in other words – are demonstrating this in their attitudes…

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6 years ago

6 Ways to Make New Friends as an Older Adult by Talking to Strangers

At the risk of sounding like I’m advocating that you become one of those unaware old folks who try to engage strangers – inappropriately, in extended conversations – I’m going to say this anyway: “DO talk to strangers…”

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7 years ago

Finding Friends in Your 60s is Magical… Here’s How to Do it!

In the book about downsizing called The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, it’s suggested that you discard items in your home that don’t bring you joy. The same could be said about friends, I suppose…

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