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Karen is a retired college professor, a Certified Health Coach, a Brain Health Coach, a writer, a speaker and a teacher. Her mission is to educate, inspire and influence women 55 and older to step up, dream big and become healthier, happier, and more fulfilled.

Latest Posts By Karen Spencer

2 years ago

What Made You Laugh Today?

When my husband and have meals with our grandchildren, we often have a favorite game we play at the dinner table. We call it ‘the mad, sad, glad’ game. I highly recommend it. The rules are quite simple. We begin by going around the table…

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2 years ago

Reflections Before Resolutions in the New Year

It will soon be that time on our calendars when making our New Year’s resolutions come front and center. And I don’t know about you, but I absolutely love it! My family will tell you I become obnoxiously giddy this time of year. I’m like a sprinter…

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2 years ago

Are You Turning Your Ideas into Action?

Have you considered that your good idea may not keep? What if you were given the good idea, as a gift on loan. And that the good idea actually has an expiration date on it? After which time, if you don’t begin to act on it… then poof…

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2 years ago

The Incredible Power of Play

Our family tries to get together each year for a reunion. With 18 of us it is no small undertaking. This summer our gathering was in Destin, Florida. We rented a lovely home about a block from the ocean. Our eight grandkids, ages 6-13, and their parents…

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2 years ago

How the Words of My Granddaughter Shifted My Mindset

One day on a recent visit to New Mexico, I was setting on the couch with my 10-year-old granddaughter, Giada. We were writing in our journals; a lovely tradition we started when she was three. Now every time I come to visit, she wakes up earlier…

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