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Karen is a retired college professor, a Certified Health Coach, a Brain Health Coach, a writer, a speaker and a teacher. Her mission is to educate, inspire and influence women 55 and older to step up, dream big and become healthier, happier, and more fulfilled.

Latest Posts By Karen Spencer

1 year ago

Stress: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (A Coming Back to Our Senses Installment)

We all want to have a healthy brain, don’t we? As we age, our ability to think clearly, focus and remember becomes more of a concern to many of us; especially if we have a mindset that believes a deteriorating brain is just part of aging and out of your control…

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1 year ago

Does Having a More Beautiful Brain Require Us to Go on Another Diet?

I have to admit I have been on a ton of diets in my life and unsuccessful with every single one of them. You name it; I have tried it …and failed. In the past, my dieting was always with the purpose of improving my looks. I just kept searching for the next…

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1 year ago

Can We Transform Our Brains? (By Coming to Our SENSES)

Exercise can transform your brain. Have you ever considered this before? And exercise has also been shown to stave off signs of early dementia and other neurological conditions. It sounds like miracle medicine for the mind, doesn’t it? That’s because it is!

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1 year ago

Want a More Beautiful Brain? Come to Your Senses

I suspect, given the chance, that when it comes to having better brains we would all opt for a fast fix, a sure thing, and a modern miracle… but sadly that is not reality. What is reality; is first coming to our senses and taking practical small steps each day…

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1 year ago

Are You in Need of a Brain Makeover?

Have you been finding it harder to focus these days? Is your memory slipping? Remembering names and dates has become a challenge; your brain is experiencing more fog? As one of my friends once described it, “I feel like I am losing my edge…

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1 year ago

We Can Make Time to Read to Children Because We Care

In this short series of articles for Sixty and Me, we looked at the issue of children moving away from books and also explored 20 ways to get them started – or to help them continue – their reading journey. Whether you have grandchildren…

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2 years ago

20 Ways to Influence a Child’s Love of Reading

In my previous article, I wrote about the lack of reading habits – and lack of love toward reading – in the younger generations. Our grandchildren don’t seem to have a healthy exposure and/or regard toward books which, in turn, inhibits the development of their critical thinking capabilities. Naturally, the whole society will suffer in future years.

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2 years ago

The Love of Reading Is on Life Support – Can We Save It?

One day, while visiting one of our grandchildren, an 8-year-old, I stepped out the back door to locate her. She was perched snuggly up in an oak tree, reading; as if that’s where everyone might choose to spend their afternoon…

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2 years ago

Retirement: Will You Lose Your Identity or Expand It?

The day when I retired and gave back my office keys, downloaded all my course documents, and met with Human Resources had me questioning my decision. My last week of teaching in college was a roller coaster of emotions…

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2 years ago

Journaling: I Challenge You to Do ‘The Write’ Thing

I love a good challenge. What about you? Whenever I read about some study that has been done, and the researchers show results in a month or less; then that makes me feel like I want to take on the challenge. For example, I just recently tried…

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