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Karen Donaldson helps women stop their cravings and emotional eating so they can lose the weight and keep it off. She is a Registered Dietitian, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Certified Weight Loss Coach, Emotion Code Certified Practitioner and a Weight Loss Mindset Expert. Learn more at

Latest Posts By Karen Donaldson

3 months ago

Do You Believe You Can Lose Weight?

If you’re reading this, chances are you have some doubts about whether you can lose weight or not. The women I work with have a desire to lose weight, but when we look closer, we discover they don’t really believe they can do it…

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4 months ago

Is Your Inner Critic Causing Weight Gain?

If you struggle with your weight, you may have labeled yourself as “good” or “bad” based on the food you eat or your weight. If you’re judging yourself as “bad” based on your food choices, either consciously or subconsciously, you’re likely stirring up…

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5 months ago

Want to Lose Weight but Struggle with Menu Planning and Food Prep?

The thoughts that we think on a regular basis become our beliefs. And then they start running the show behind the scenes. This means that if you believe that menu planning and food preparation is too hard, then it will be. If you believe a menu plan…

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9 months ago

Why Calling Yourself Fat Doesn’t Work and How to Stop

Much of our negative self-talk comes from comparing ourselves to others we see on various media sources. But many of us also learned this from parents, family members, coaches, healthcare providers, partners, and society in general. It’s everywhere…

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1 year ago

Do You Struggle with Weight and Body Image Issues?

If you struggle with your weight and have body image issues, you’re not alone. It’s estimated that over 90% of women are unhappy with their bodies. And they’ve taken drastic measures to get to a certain number on the scale. In fact, most of the women…

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2 years ago

Do the Holidays Trigger Binge Eating for You?

If you’re like many of the women I work with, holiday gatherings aren’t exactly a scene out of a Hallmark movie. Whether it’s an obnoxious food pusher that you can’t say no to, sibling rivalry that rears its ugly head, or the unrealistic expectations that seem…

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2 years ago

Are Negative Affirmations Blocking Your Weight Loss?

Chances are if you’ve struggled with your weight, you’ve said some pretty mean and negative things to yourself over the years. But did you know that every thought you think and every word you speak is an affirmation? Yep, the good stuff, but also the bad stuff…

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2 years ago

Losing Weight After 60: Knowing What to Do Is Different from Doing It

Sometimes a client would confess to me, “I know what I’m supposed to do, but I just can’t do it!” and I would feel like screaming “ME TOO!” As a registered dietitian and personal trainer, I had the education and skills to provide my clients with the best…

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3 years ago

Can Positive Affirmations Help Us with Body Image and Weight Loss After 60?

Most of us have heard about using positive affirmations. But are they really effective? And can they really help with weight loss? Consider this: Every thought you think and every word you speak is an affirmation – even the negative stuff…

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3 years ago

Is Insulin Resistance the Culprit Behind Your Belly Fat?

If you’re struggling with extra weight in the belly, insulin resistance may be causing the problem. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas. One of its functions is to transport sugars from the blood into all other cells of the body…

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