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Justin Pritchard, CFP®, is a fee-only financial advisor who helps clients get clarity on retirement. He has been quoted in The New York Times, Consumer Reports, The Wall Street Journal, and more. Improve your retirement readiness with Justin’s resources for retirement success, available at no charge from

Latest Posts By Justin Pritchard

1 year ago

5 Essential Ingredients for a Comfortable Retirement Income Plan (VIDEO)

Retirement planning is surprisingly similar to climbing a mountain or going for a hike. On the way up, you primarily focus on reaching the top. But on the way down, safety may become your priority. Missteps become more dangerous as the hours…

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1 year ago

Crucial Retirement Milestones After 60 (VIDEO)

As you navigate your 60s, you have several critical retirement planning milestones to work through. While that may be intimidating, the tasks are all manageable, especially if you give yourself plenty of time to learn about your options…

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2 years ago

Do You Really Need $1 Million to Retire? Maybe Not!

Women in their 60s are increasingly questioning if it makes sense to continue working. For a variety of reasons, including an increased focus on what’s most important in life, work is sliding down the list of priorities. With the help from stock…

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2 years ago

3 Ways to Replace Your Financial Advisor (VIDEO)

While it can feel intimidating to end a relationship, it’s critical to get the help you deserve. Plus, moving on to another chapter doesn’t necessarily mean that you dislike your advisor or that anybody is a bad person. Sometimes a financial…

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3 years ago

Year-End Tax Tips That Can Save You Money (VIDEO)

As 2021 comes to an end, it’s an excellent time to review your finances for any tax moves that might benefit you. This time of year might be busy with seasonal events and other deadlines, but some opportunities come with an expiration date…

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3 years ago

Why It’s Good to Keep Boring Investments

When it comes to your finances and investments, sometimes it makes sense to keep things relatively uninteresting. That’s not to say you can’t pursue some entertainment and growth with a portion of your holdings. Still, it’s wise to consider the potential risks…

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3 years ago

How Much Does a Financial Advisor Cost?

You’re probably very capable when it comes to managing your finances. But if you ever want advice on financial planning, investments, or other money-related topics, a financial advisor might be able to help. Whether you just want answers to a few questions…

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3 years ago

4 Initial Questions to Ask a Financial Planner (VIDEO)

When it comes to your finances, you’re at a point in life where you may have more money saved than ever before, and your working years are primarily (or entirely) behind you. That can be a big mindset shift. Because of that, you may be considering working…

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