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Julia Hubbel is a prize-winning author, journalist, international business and women’s conference speaker and international adventure traveler. Her work teaches people how to erase the impossible and redefine their boundaries. As a sales and leadership trainer, her work focuses on success skills and finding the courage to be your best. Visit her website here

Latest Posts By Julia Hubbel

4 years ago

6 Ways to Make Your Next Travel Adventure a Remote One

Marion and Roger, a pair of Brits from 40 miles west of London, boarded the ship carefully. They’re in their 70s, and both are intrepid travelers. Read More

4 years ago

3 Keys to Starting Over After a Loss Later in Life

A few years ago, I spoke to a lively group of women that had been started by my friend Joan Rogliano, a divorced realtor living in Colorado. The Wildflower Group had been formed out of a need for an organization to tend to the needs of recently-widowed and divorced women. Read More

4 years ago

Is It Time to Move? 6 Questions to Help You Decide if It’s Time to Pull Up Your Roots

My neighbor across the street lost her husband about a year ago. The huge house she now inhabits is an awful lot of work, as is the yard. The other morning after a seven-inch snowfall, our mutual neighbor was clearing her driveway…

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4 years ago

Your One Big Thing: Why It’s Never Too Late to Start Over

Sometime this spring, I will be looking at houses along the Pacific Coast, an area I fell in love with in the 1990s. This is the culmination of a long-held dream. But it’s far more than that…

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5 years ago

The Best Gift Ever: The Surprisingly Inexpensive, Yet Priceless Christmas Present

Jill was in the kitchen, right in the middle of making cookies. I’d been at their house for about a week, which is typical around Christmas, when I spend my annual two weeks at their home in Eastern Washington. Read More

5 years ago

The Best Christmas Gift of All: Do You Enjoy Life or You Think You’re Too Old to Even Try?

Early this morning, I got up to do my exercises and mediation before heading to the airport for my annual Christmas visit at my best friend’s family’s house in Spokane, WA. Before I put the last bits and pieces in my luggage for the long drive to the airport, I checked my inbox. Read More

5 years ago

Busting the Comfort Zone in Your 60s and Over

Some time ago, I got an email from Margaret Manning asking what I did to break out of my comfort zone. Since I received that email while here in Ethiopia, I had a good chuckle…

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5 years ago

Fit or Fat? How Would You Describe Yourself in Your Mature Years?

The tall woman standing next to me smiled. We were in the exercise section of TJ Maxx, a popular American discount store. We were surrounded by acres of colorful leggings…

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5 years ago

What Are You Doing for Your “Summer Vacation” (Which Is the Rest of Your Life)?

The day was very dusty, and as always happens in Mongolia, very windy. In a huge bowl surrounded by cliffs and mountains near Uglii, the small city where the main Eagle Festival takes place at the beginning of the Central Asian winter…

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5 years ago

What Is It Worth to Live Your One, Precious, and Magnificent Life to the Fullest at 60 and Beyond?

My dear friend Melissa sighed heavily. I could envision her face, framed by a touch of silver, her hair having finally been allowed to go all grey. It looks terrific. I’m not there yet – but getting close…

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