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Julia Hubbel is a prize-winning author, journalist, international business and women’s conference speaker and international adventure traveler. Her work teaches people how to erase the impossible and redefine their boundaries. As a sales and leadership trainer, her work focuses on success skills and finding the courage to be your best. Visit her website here

Latest Posts By Julia Hubbel

3 months ago

Are Your Pills Making You Sick?

According to a study by the American Association of Consultant Pharmacists, the average 60+ person in the United States fills upwards of 15 prescriptions a year. That leaps to 18 or more as we age…

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6 months ago

Lies About Getting Older – Have You Heard of Them?

This is not about being superior or judgmental or “lookitme.” It is, however, about choices. This man didn’t exercise before his accident. I did. Including yoga six days a week…

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6 months ago

Now That I Have All the Time in the World… Why Don’t I Get Going?

Just because we are suddenly handed oodles of time doesn’t mean we have a clue what to do with it. We might want first to address why we suddenly have that time. Therein lies the answer. For when we are faced with great change…

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1 year ago

6 Things I Learned About Ending a Long-Term Friendship

A few years ago I had a long term friendship come to an end. Four decades of love, laughter and jokes, gone. I felt as though someone had removed a part of my heart. However, that experience both taught me important life lessons…

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1 year ago

Isn’t It Time to Tell Your Story? Here Are 6 Ways to Get Started

Ready to write a book? You’re not alone. You have a lifetime of ideas, experiences and stories to share. The challenge is where and how to begin. It can be daunting…

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1 year ago

Why It’s Important That We Set the Example

The example we set teaches our kids and our kids’ kids how to live late in life. To my mind, it’s an enormous and unbelievable responsibility which offers all kinds of opportunities for us to grow into the wise women we were always…

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2 years ago

Want to Push Your Boundaries in Your Mature Years? First, Know Your Limitations

I stood, wobbling on inline skates, in the bright Colorado sunshine, balancing precariously on the asphalt of a large movie theatre. Good thing the lot was empty as I needed plenty of room…

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2 years ago

Adventure Is Exhilarating, but Before You Go – Know Your Limitations

Ellen hunched over the saddle like Quasimodo, hanging on, for dear life, to the saddle horn with one hand and the back of the saddle with the other, as Toni (her horse) trotted rapidly to keep up with the front of the herd…

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2 years ago

Going Nuts or Getting Old? 5 Keys to a Healthy Aging Process

The woman wrote in obvious distress that she was repeating herself. Felt depressed. Brain fog. Admitted to the occasional suicidal thought. She was terrified she was getting Alzheimer’s’ disease. At this point…

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2 years ago

Is Age Threatening to Stifle Your Life Spark? Find Your Reason to Evolve into Your Best Self Ever

No matter how old we are, it’s always exciting to have something to look forward to. Working, enjoying retirement, or a little of both. Anticipation is a lovely thing. Every year, I set major goals…

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