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Writer and Creativity and Mindset Coach Jude Walsh, EdD, helps artists develop a thriving practice. She aids women, post-divorce or at a turning point in their lives, to identify and create their optimal new life. She is the author of Post-Divorce Bliss: Ending Us and Finding Me. Please visit her at

Latest Posts By Jude Walsh

12 months ago

How to Restart Your Walking Habit

It’s happened again. I was walking almost every day. My joints felt loose, and my arthritic pain was minimal. Then I missed a day, then two days in a row. Then we had a few days of rain and I elected not to go to the indoor track. Then a dear friend died…

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2 years ago

60-Plus and Body Positive: The New Motto of This Boomer Woman

Most women our age can readily tell you which part of their body they are most self-conscious about or feel is their least attractive. For years we were deluged with stories, articles, and advice about how to fix whatever was wrong…

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2 years ago

Taking Back My Past, One Song at a Time

Divorcing after a long marriage is difficult, made even more so when the divorce is ugly, and you are left feeling not only disrespected but erased. I know, no one can MAKE you feel any one way. Your feelings are your own. And, in theory, I agree with that…

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3 years ago

We Can’t Stop Aging – But Let’s Do It Fashionably and on Our Terms

I don’t mind getting older. I see it as a privilege and want to appreciate it fully. Yet, I find myself pushing back against things that “old” people do. For example, I just had my second eye surgery…

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3 years ago

Returning to Normal Feels Different, And Better

As of this writing, the USA is mostly open. Sports facilities and restaurants are at full capacity again and Broadway is reopening. More than 50% of the population over 12 is vaccinated and despite the contagion of the Delta variant, hospitalizations are low…

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4 years ago

Do You Often Feel Like You Are Flunking Covid 101? Rethink That!

Just like you, I’ve been sheltering in place for months now. I began with such purpose, dedication, and solid self-talk. “Of course I can do this,” I told myself. “We have a common goal, and the more united we are the easier it will be to succeed…”

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4 years ago

3 Mindset Shift Strategies to Help Any Extrovert Settle in the Time of Coronavirus

I am a writer and I am an extrovert – not the usual trait combination. Most of my writer friends are introverts. When we go to a gathering of any kind, I look out into the crowd…

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5 years ago

6 Insights I Picked Up on My 51st Class Reunion

My high school class is not one of the those who have regular reunions. We had one 10 years after graduation, then nothing. So, I was surprised – and delighted – to get an invitation to celebrate…

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