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Joanne and her team have built Giardini Medicare (formerly Boomer Health Group) to provide consumers with Medicare help. They work within an industry full of unclear information and much noise (designed to confuse very intelligent people?) and are received as a breath of fresh air. Contact them with questions at

Latest Posts By Joanne Giardini-Russell

3 years ago

Transitioning to the Medicare System – It’s All About Process, Not Product

In the US, we have a system where every person that becomes 65 years old must make some decision related to Medicare, the health insurance system for people over 65. It’s a system where every person has to do something or NOT do something…

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4 years ago

3 Tips to De-Stress your Journey into the Medicare System

If you’re turning 65 in the next 12 months, I surely don’t have to tell you what your mailbox likely looks like! The mailers and post cards are piled high in some bin to get to later, when you know you have to sit down and think about Medicare…

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4 years ago

What You Need to Know About Covid-19, Retirement, and Medicare

Medicare, in any given “normal” year, is confusing. 2020 has brought about so much, and we are only nearing the half-way mark. At our firm we never could we have imagined that we would be seeing so many people struggling with…

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5 years ago

Avoid These 5 Common Medicare Snafus!

Boy, if people would just check in with us at age 64.5, life could be a lot easier for new Medicare beneficiaries! Though we try all we can to keep people out of trouble…

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5 years ago

5 Surprising Things I’ve Learned About Medicare (#3 Sound Familiar?)

When you work and live in the space of any profession – day in and day out – you tend to learn your craft pretty well! That’s how it is with me and my team when it comes to Medicare…

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5 years ago

Medicare Made Simple: 2 Tips That Can Save You from Going Blindly into Medicare After 60

Mrs. Smith calls, and during the course of our conversation conveys her goals related to her new Medicare health insurance: (1) to retain control over choosing her own doctors…

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5 years ago

How to Avoid Messing Up When It Comes to Medicare? 64.5 Is the Password You Need to Remember

At Boomer Health Group we are often asked “When is the best time to start talking and learning about Medicare?” Surprisingly, even that question doesn’t have a straight answer…

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