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Joanie Marx is a three-time bestselling author and the creator of the new, groundbreaking Refocus & Renew Your Life® online course series on Udemy. She is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, with a degree in Psychology, and a leading authority on refocusing and renewing your life.

Latest Posts By Joanie Marx

11 months ago

Your #1 Medicine for Loving Life After 60

When you are not feeling your best, what is your go-to medicine? There are endless remedies for what may be ailing you. But there is one particular medicine guaranteed to lift your spirits, heal emotional trauma, and have you loving more of your life…

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12 months ago

10 Life-Altering Benefits for Laughing Every Day After 60

Do you find yourself laughing every day? And by ‘laughing’ I’m not referring to the occasional chuckle or half-hearted smile. I’m talking about laughing to the point where your cheeks hurt. The kind of laughter where you feel your abs…

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12 months ago

6 Ways to Bring More Laughter into Your Life

For those of us over 60, it’s common to accumulate life experiences that may have left us with unresolved emotional wounds. From past experiences or recent ones, unhealed inner wounds have a profound impact on our emotional state…

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1 year ago

How to Play with Your Desires After 60

One of the more famous brand slogans in recent years is Southwest Airline’s “Wanna Get Away?” The essence of their hilarious commercials is that when life gets to be too much, Southwest Airlines will transport you to your desired destination…

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1 year ago

Embracing Your Authentic Self After 60

If you were asked to describe your authentic self, what words or descriptions would you use? At first glance, this may seem simple to answer.
But what if your authentic self goes beyond your name, age, marital status, what your profession…

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1 year ago

The Art of Owning Your Emotions After 60

All of us have experienced resistance to having our desires met. The kind of resistance we encounter is different for each of us. There is, however, a common form of resistance those of us 60 and over share. It comes down to taking responsibility…

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1 year ago

How to Embody Your Worthiness After 60

At each stage of life, we adopted specific beliefs, traits, and behaviors to adapt to different people, environments, and circumstances. Where did these beliefs, traits, and behaviors come from? In most cases, they were passed down…

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1 year ago

Cutting Ties with People-Pleasing

How often have you sacrificed your well-being by placing other people’s desires, wants and needs above your own? If you can relate, you are not alone. According a 2022 YouGov survey, 49% of Americans self-identify as people-pleasers…

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1 year ago

5 Simple Steps to Be What It Is You Seek

Do you believe it is possible to have your innermost desires fulfilled after 60? Although each of us has our own unique desires, one thing we can all agree on is just because we are 60 and over doesn’t mean our innermost desires vanish…

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1 year ago

5 Pathways to Your Desires After 60

Centuries ago, Persian poet Rumi famously wrote, “What you seek is seeking you.” Many have interpreted this quote to mean our desires are attracted to us as much as we are attracted to them. If this is true, what gets in the way of our…

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