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Dr. Ifland wrote/edited the textbook Processed Food Addiction: Foundations, Assessment, and Recovery. Her PhD is from Union Institute and her MBA is from Stanford. She is the food addiction specialist selected by the Oprah Winfrey Network. She founded which provides online recovery services and training in recovery from processed food addiction.

Latest Posts By Joan Ifland

1 year ago

Is it Aging or Is It Processed Foods?

I’m over 70, and I don’t feel like I’m aging. I’m just as active as I’ve been for the last 25 years. My recent annual physical showed perfect blood work and no ailments. Why? Because I know the difference between aging and processed foods…

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3 years ago

It’s Ridiculous to Be This Tired After 60!

I bet you’ve heard this: “You’re tired? You’re just getting old. That’s normal as we age. Fortunately, you’re retired so you can rest as much as you want.” Hey! I didn’t spend my life working so that I could retire to rest! My retirement is my fun time! No fair!

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