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Joan Hope Craig has twenty years of experience as a yoga therapist and wellness coach, with expertise in scoliosis, posture, and balance. She teaches how simple habits lead to health, happiness, and purpose. She authored Change Point: Simplify Your Life, Find Inner Peace, and Do What Matters. Connect at

Latest Posts By Joan Craig

6 months ago

What’s the Single Most Important Thing You Need to Focus on to Stay Fit and Active as You Age?

Exercise. Walking. Water Aerobics. Yoga. Good nutrition. Getting enough sleep. Managing stress. Hydration. All of these are important. The #1 concept that holds them all together is balance…

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8 months ago

How I Improved My Sleep with Meditation and Yoga Lifestyle

When it comes to health and wellness, most people probably think I’ve got it all together. I am a yoga teacher, yoga therapist, personal trainer, and wellness coach. I do my best to “walk the talk” and practice what I preach. I exercise, meditate, practice yoga…

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2 years ago

Start Your Morning with a 3-Step KISS Routine to Age Well

Welcome new year! You may be thinking about your health and wellness goals. You may have a lot of them, and you realize that if you spread yourself too thin, you will not be successful…

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2 years ago

The 2 Most Important Vitamins for Aging Well (You’ve Never Heard of Them!)

You know about Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D. I’m sure you do your best to eat a balanced diet of all nutrients. But have you taken your daily dose of Vitamin J and Vitamin P?

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2 years ago

12 Days of Holiday Fitness for Boomer Women

Ladies, I know what you are thinking: “It’s the holiday season. My needs go on the back burner until January.” I’ve observed this trend with many of my clients (and myself) over the years…

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2 years ago

3 Supreme Rules for Ideal Computer Posture After 60

Do you feel stiff after working on your computer? Do you find yourself slumping, hunching, and with forward head posture trying to look at the screen? Are you looking for ways to do what you need to do on the computer…

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2 years ago

Is It Possible to Fix the Hunched Posture That Affects Women Over 60?

Do you ever catch your reflection in the mirror or a glass door and think, “Is that me? And when did I get that hunch?” You might notice that you are stiff or stooped over when you get out of a chair or out of the car, or you might notice…

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2 years ago

3 Top Exercises for Osteoporosis (And 1 You Should Never Do!)

Do you worry that you’re not doing enough exercise – or the right kinds? Are you concerned about getting hurt if you exercise incorrectly? Wondering what really works to build your bones?

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3 years ago

2 Reasons and 1 Ritual for Honoring the Solstice

2020 has given us many challenges and some blessings in disguise. I am certainly grateful for the lessons I’ve learned this year which forced me out of my comfort zone and made me stronger. That said, I’m hopeful that next year’s lessons…

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4 years ago

3 Ways to Stay Healthy and Sane During Cold-Weather Quarantine (VIDEO)

Depending on where you live, Covid-19 numbers may be lower or higher at this moment. Rules for social distancing and business operations vary from place to place. Global events, local rules, and your personal comfort level…

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