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Jill Morris is a life story writing coach and memoir teacher, who is passionate about her calling. She has written her own memoir, Eating the Walls, and currently teaches at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at California State University, East Bay and community centers throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. Please visit her website here:

Latest Posts By Jill Morris

11 months ago

3 Reasons That You Should Write Your Life Story

Every person has a unique life story. There is no such thing as two life stories being the same. As a life story writing coach and memoir teacher, I believe everyone should take the time to put their story on paper. Forgive yourself for past mistakes…

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3 years ago

How to Start Writing Your Memoir

After you gather all necessary materials, following one of the previously discussed structures, it is time to start writing the short of your life story or memoir. Read through the notes you have been gathering, and ask yourself, “What aspect of my life…

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3 years ago

Memoir Writing – How to Write About Yourself

There is a certain truth you must realize when writing a memoir: You are the central character in the story, therefore you must write about who you are. You cannot assume that the reader knows you, even if they are a close relative…

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