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Jessica Thomas is a Public Health Professional, Health & Wellness Writer, and Entrepreneur. She has a B.S. in Health Administration with a focus on Aging Studies and an M.D. in Public Health. Before starting her business, Jessica worked for over 3 years as a Program Coordinator and Performance Improvement Leader in a hospital setting. Her roles focused on various senior initiatives such as fall reduction, preventing delirium, and addressing barriers in the healthcare system. Today, Jessica enjoys learning and educating others on aging in place, how tech solutions can help seniors, and health and wellness topics.

Latest Posts By Jessica Thomas

4 years ago

A Guide to Veteran’s Benefits

Millions of Americans have served in the United States military. According to the most recent U.S. Census, CNN reports that upwards of 17 million Americans are veterans. In addition, more than 50 percent of these veterans receive one or more services or benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Let’s explore what some of […]

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4 years ago

Older Adults and Smoking – What Are The Facts, How Can You Quit?

Smoking is a tough habit to break, especially when it’s ingrained in your lifestyle and has developed over the years. However, it is crucial to know that kicking a smoking habit can have a multitude of benefits, not just for your physical health, but mental as well. In older adults, smoking can be an ingrained […]

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4 years ago

Senior Discounts for Internet, Phone and TV

These days, having a reliable Internet connection at home is incredibly important, especially in the middle of a global pandemic. More and more people are working from home, attending virtual school, and so much more. As a result, the Internet is an indispensable tool. Even for people who are now retired, the Internet has gained […]

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4 years ago

Senior Isolation Facts and the Effects of Loneliness

Many seniors feel isolated and lonely. For many, these feelings have only increased since the start of the global Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic has ripped through nursing homes and assisted living facilities, impacting people with compromised immune systems. In addition, several facilities have shuttered themselves to visitors. Even for those living at home, the global […]

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4 years ago

Transition Issues for the Elderly and Their Family

Dealing with the transitions that happen between aging individuals and their families can be a bit challenging. There’s so much that changes as we age, and what we expect and what is, is often different. For adult children with parents transitioning into the stage of older adulthood, AKA retirement, there are certain issues that may […]

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4 years ago

Acknowledging and Dealing with Negative Emotions as a Caregiver

Being a caregiver can be a very rewarding role, but it’s also one of the most taxing. Sometimes caregivers find themselves with negative emotions that can stem from the toll of caregiving, among other factors. It’s not uncommon for them to think something along the lines of “It’s fine, they’re my spouse/parent/sibling/grandparent, so I should […]

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4 years ago

Common Hearing Issues Among Older Adults

Many older adults experience some degree of hearing loss, and this hearing loss can dramatically impact their quality of life. Some hearing issues are simply genetic, whereas traumatic injuries or illnesses may cause others…

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4 years ago

30 Facts and Statistics on Aging

The American population is aging rapidly, and this graying of the United States is transforming various sectors of the economy. Below, we’ll explore some important facts and statistics about aging. The United States population…

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4 years ago

Finding a Homecare Worker: Dos and Don’ts Checklist

Hiring a home healthcare worker may be one of the most challenging aspects of the aging process, both for the aging individual and his/her family member. Deciding who to let into your – or a loved one’s –home and life can be a leap of faith!

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4 years ago

Using Family Meetings to Resolve Eldercare Issues

Coping with a parent’s aging process can be challenging and filled with questions. For example, is it better for the parent to age in place with caregivers visiting the home on a regular basis? Or is it better to find an assisted living facility…

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