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Jessica Hegg is the content manager at Avid gym-rat and nutrition enthusiast, she’s interested in all things related to staying active and living a healthy lifestyle. Through her writing, she works to share valuable information aimed at overcoming obstacles and improving the quality of life for others. You can find her on Twitter @Jessica_Hegg.

Latest Posts By Jessica Hegg

7 years ago

Caring for Elderly Parents? Make Sure You Have These 4 Essentials

When it comes to providing quality care for a beloved aging parent, many a lesson are learned ‘on the job.’

Recognizing signs of cognitive decline, learning how to manage incontinence, getting loved ones out and exercising – and essentially becoming executive administrators of prescription refills, appointment wrangling and transportation – are just a handful of tasks you may already be dealing with. Read More

7 years ago

The Fearless Fitness After 50 Checklist

Are you worried about signing up for a class at your local gym and totally being in over your head? This fear is more common than you think, especially among older adults. Read More

7 years ago

4 Health Risks of Too Much Technology, Especially for Older Adults

Remember the video of the woman who was busy looking down at her phone and walked right into a fountain? Read More

7 years ago

How to Overcome Your Fear of Developing Alzheimer’s

When it comes to aging, while concerns about sagging skin, baggy eyes and low energy might preoccupy your thoughts, they can seem superficial when it comes to fears of developing Alzheimer’s or cognitive decline, losing your memory and developing dementia. Read More

7 years ago

Dogs for Seniors: 5 Questions to Ask Before You Get a New Best Friend

Does the thought of cuddling up with a blanket, a good book and a sweet pup snuggled at your feet simply warm your heart? Me too!

There’s nothing better than having the best companion dog by your side. It’s a fantastic idea! Read More

8 years ago

5 Ways to Tweak Your Routine to Achieve Healthy Aging

Little actions can make a big difference when it comes to your health. Forget overhauling your entire lifestyle to match the far-fetched fantasies of fitness infomercials.

Introducing even small changes, from diet to exercise and self-care, can pack a powerful – and healthy – punch that will add years to your life. Here are a few suggestions to help you achieve healthy aging. Read More

8 years ago

5 Ways to Bring Home the Bacon in Retirement

The freedom of retirement doesn’t have to mean the end of making money. Plus, now is the time to cash in on things you actually enjoy doing! Read More