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Jennifer Thompson worked as a financial advisor for over 20 years before starting her own consulting business. She can be reached at

Latest Posts By Jennifer Thompson

7 months ago

Money and Remarriage: How to Navigate Divided Loyalties and Shadows from Previous Relationships

If you thought dealing with money issues can be tricky in a marriage, it’s way more difficult in a remarriage. In a marriage, you have two people from different backgrounds with different approaches to money…

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9 months ago

7 Considerations When Getting a Divorce Later in Life

Susan and David, in their 60s, had a tumultuous marriage that lasted for 40 years. They faced more than their share of challenges. Building a new business in a new country when they arrived in the US as newlyweds was one of them. While the business…

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10 months ago

How to Know If Downsizing Is the Right Thing to Do

Richard and Jane Brown sold their four-bedroom home in the suburbs. And moved into a new two-bedroom condominium. In their 60s and still active, they chose this condominium for its amenities. It was two blocks from the ocean…

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1 year ago

A Different Approach to Finances After 60: How Best to Leave This World vs What to Get from This World

Five years ago, we had a group of friends, most of whom were high achievers, over for dinner. Amongst our guests was a client, who had returned to Canada after working as a director at a hospice in California. I thought to tie in our dinner discussion…

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1 year ago

How to Gain Financial Empowerment in Your 60s

Your 60s are a time of tremendous change. You may be preparing for retirement, entering retirement or recently retired. It’s a time where your finances may also be changing; a crossroads of sorts. So, what can you do with your finances…

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2 years ago

What to Do So Your Inheritance Does Not End Up in the Hands of the Other Woman

“Money does not change people, it unmasks them.” – Henry Ford. Most people do not enter a marriage with the idea of ending it. But almost half of marriages do end. Dennis and Meghan were married for almost 20 years and had two teens…

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2 years ago

10 Steps to Help You Plan to Achieve What’s on Your Bucket List

We all have a mental “bucket list” that includes all those things we want to do, places we want to visit, people we want to meet before we die. The fact that these items are on our “bucket list” indicates they mean something to us…

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3 years ago

The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying – and What Lessons They Teach Us

I will never forget my call to Sheila. Sheila and her husband, David, were clients in their late 50s. They were the salt of the earth’ folk. It was a Monday afternoon. I figured Sheila would probably still be at work, so I would leave a message for her…

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3 years ago

With Each Ending, Comes a New Beginning

I believe the pandemic has brought with it more changes to society on a micro-level than anything else. There has been a sharp increase in divorce rates, a spike in the number of resignations (the great resignation) and a great movement…

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3 years ago

7 Things Women Need to Know About Money

We all know that men think differently, and this includes all areas of life. Including money. Here’s a real life example: Jack and Sarah went in to see their banker. Jack stated that he wanted the mortgage paid off in five years and asked…

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