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Jeff Henning is a business leader and educator in Southern California. He is the father of 10 daughters. His expertise is in creating meaningful change within a business to drive results focused upon people, profits and planet. Jeff is the founder of Square Peg, an organization that recognizes the tremendous challenge Baby Boomers face while attempting to reinvent themselves in the new career landscape.

Latest Posts By Jeff Henning

11 months ago

6 Powerful Ways to Communicate Without Saying Anything

One of the most powerful methods of communicating with one another is a through non-verbal language. Whether you’re at a networking event, meeting with a recruiter or in a critically important interview, it’s important that your body…

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4 years ago

Finding Work After 50 Takes Action! Here’s How to Get Started

Even in the present state of the world, after we lose a job, it seems that everyone has somewhere to go each day but us. Driving next to others, they appear to be on a mission to get to work to perform a job that we don’t have. “Why them and not me,” we would ask. Read More

4 years ago

Looking for a Job After 60? Here’s the Top 10 List of Interview Prep Techniques

If you are going to be interviewing for a job or a position that you really want, here are 10 things you can do to walk in prepared to win. Read More

5 years ago

So You Just Lost Your Job After 50? Here Are 10 Ways to Move Forward

In the classic movie American Beauty, Lester explains to his daughter that he didn’t “lose” his job. He explains that if this were true, he could have found it again. If this were the case for all of us who’ve experienced losing a job, we wouldn’t be a square peg and would have little need to read ahead. Read More

6 years ago

Looking for Job After 50? Here’s How to Make Your Resume Stand Out

Thought that you were done writing when you finished your resume? Unfortunately, you must think again about that one. Read More

6 years ago

Am I Ready for Retirement? Should I Stay or Should I Go Now?

Deep into your job search, it becomes critical to use every asset available to you. One of the bridges you’ll most likely approach will have you cross over to the dark side…

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7 years ago

Common Resume and Interview Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make in Your 60s

Imagine how many candidates are reviewed by recruiters and hiring managers annually. Now, imagine how many of them bring their biggest personality quirks and issues into the room. This happens at the resume and cover letter stage and most often in the interview meeting, if you got one. Read More

7 years ago

Finding a Job After 60: How to Write a Cover Letter that Helps You Stand Out

Thought that you were done writing when you finished your resume? Unfortunately, you have to think again about that one. Read More

7 years ago

Job Interview Tips for Older Women: 10 Ways to Be Unforgettable

You’ve been invited to an interview and know that you’ll get just one shot at winning the position behind it. How do you plan for success? Read More

7 years ago

Looking for a New Job After 60? You Can’t Always Get What You Want!

After losing a job, it seems that everyone has somewhere to go each day but us. Driving next to others, they seem like they are on a mission to get to work to perform a job that we no longer have. Why them and not me, we would ask? Read More