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Jayne Avery is a strong advocate of healthy eating. Her children’s book TG and the Rainbow Warriors draws on personal experience as a science teacher and nutrition consultant. As a lifelong crafting butterfly, she dwells in the space between disciplines where she finds fun, humour and novelty – sharing it whenever she can. Please visit her website

Latest Posts By Jayne Avery

7 months ago

How to Sow the Seeds of Patience with Your Grandchildren

Like most three-year olds, patience is something my little granddaughter (J) has very little of. When she comes round to see us, within minutes every toy is out. Within an hour she has painted, pummelled play dough, played shops and been outside on her bike…

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2 years ago

Do You Think a Hobby of the Past Can Bring Light to Your 60-Something Self? Just Try It!

For me, it all started when a stranger walked into a craft shop… I always thought the old saying about entering your second childhood was a load of nonsense. Now it has taken on a totally different meaning to me…

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2 years ago

Exercise for Over 60 Women: It’s Better if You Hate it!

I’ve always had a sneaking suspicion that some people were more “cut out” for exercise than others. At school there were those who loved Physical Education lessons and those who dreaded them…

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4 years ago

How to Eat All the Colours of the Rainbow with Your Grandchildren

Eating a rainbow sounds as magical as riding a unicorn, finding Atlantis or singing with a mermaid, all activities which I’d adore. However, there is one big difference. You can actually eat a food rainbow – a satisfying, fun experience…

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5 years ago

How Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone Can Help You Get More Out of Life After 60

For many of us, the idea of getting outside of our comfort zone is very scary. And rightly so, it isn’t comfortable! Read More

5 years ago

My Festive Season Decorations: You Wouldn’t Believe What’s Going On in My House This Year!

For thousands of years, people have held mid winter festivities to break up the long hard months – something to plan for and look forward to.

Foraging for greenery and colour out in the bleak countryside, dragging in the Yule log for a lovely warm fire. An opportunity to cook delicious food to share with friends with plenty of mulled wine to wash it all down…

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7 years ago

How to Have a Happy Halloween Supper with the Grandkids

Halloween is relatively new to the UK – well, as a holiday type celebration it is!

We’ve had All Hallow’s Eve as an ongoing ‘thing’ for hundreds of years, but it’s only caught on in a big way in the last couple of years. Read More

8 years ago

Delicious Cacao and Coconut Booster Balls Recipe

How many of you have decided that enough is enough and will now cut down on sweet things post-Christmas? Just before the festivities I thought about sending a memo to my body:

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