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Janet Gourand is a writer, a podcaster and a recovery coach. She quit drinking in 2015 at the age of 63. She founded Tribe Sober which enables people to change their relationship with alcohol. Tribe Sober is an international community which offers a membership program.

Latest Posts By Janet Gourand

1 year ago

7 Ways Sobriety Sets You Free!

In my eighth year of sobriety, I’ve gained enough perspective to see how alcohol had kept me trapped… and to realise that now I am free! Free at last! For many years, I’d had a nagging voice in my head which said things like, “You’re drinking too much…

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1 year ago

Step into Your Power – And Become a Queen!

Did you know that postmenopausal women comprise the largest demographic group in America? The ancient tripartite divisions of Maiden, Mother, and Crone have become even more relevant as the Crone stage now represents one third…

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1 year ago

Change Your Thinking… About Drinking

We’ve been brainwashed for decades into believing that alcohol is fun, essential for socializing and will help us to relax. The combination of marketing and social pressure has left us with “false beliefs” about the necessity of drinking alcohol…

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1 year ago

Thinking of Going Alcohol Free? 8 Mistakes to Avoid

I recently celebrated 8 years of sobriety – getting sober at 63 was probably the best decision I ever made. It took lots of attempts and plenty of mistakes, but it finally stuck. If you want to try an alcohol-free lifestyle then make sure to avoid my 8 mistakes!

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1 year ago

How to be Retired and Happy… and Alcohol-Free

Many of us have looked forward to retirement during those busy years of managing a career and bringing up a family. The first few months may well be spent savoring the freedom of not having to get up at a certain time and manage the demands…

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1 year ago

7 Tips for the Sober Curious

Society has created such a stigma around being an “alcoholic” that we have an image of a homeless man sitting on a park bench when we hear that word. As a result of this stereotype many people who are drinking too much are able to reassure…

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1 year ago

6 Reasons to Ditch the Booze after 60

Many of us have looked forward to retirement during those busy years of managing a career and bringing up a family. It’s easy to glide into retirement forgetting that it’s a major life transition. It’s very easy to fall into the trap of drinking…

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2 years ago

Walking Back to the Happiness of Sobriety

When I was a young chick (admittedly a long, long time ago), I used to love listening The Who singing “Hope I die before I get old” and used to be in complete agreement with that sentiment. Well, the passing of time changes everything…

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2 years ago

Seven Reasons to Try a Sober Spring in 2023

The global wellness economy is estimated to be worth $4 trillion. You read that right – $4 trillion! We are on an endless quest for vitality and youth. Yet many of us drink alcohol, a known toxin. We start drinking at college just to fit in…

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