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Janet Gourand is a writer, a podcaster and a recovery coach. She quit drinking in 2015 at the age of 63. She founded Tribe Sober which enables people to change their relationship with alcohol. Tribe Sober is an international community which offers a membership program.

Latest Posts By Janet Gourand

6 months ago

Why Are Older People Drinking More?

Alcohol use among senior citizens is on the rise. Although historically older adults were less likely to drink than younger adults, recent studies show that older adults are now drinking more frequently and in larger quantities than in the past…

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7 months ago

Are You Ready to Take a Break – from Alcohol?

Many of us start drinking during our 20s and 30s – to socialise and have fun. As we get older, some of us switch to using a glass (or two) or wine in the evening to relax or to relieve stress. The evolution from “socialising” to “self-medicating” has begun…

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8 months ago

Sober But Still Not Slim? How to Kickstart Your Weight Loss

Many of us manage to quit drinking and we feel better than we’ve felt for years. As we regain our health, some of us dream of also regaining our figures. We think fondly back to the shape we were in in our 20s when we only drank socially, before we got…

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9 months ago

10 Reasons to Have a Dry January

Did you know that 20% of regular drinkers will become alcohol dependent over the years? That’s why it makes so much sense to take regular breaks to check your dependency. The easiest way to do that is simply to take a break from alcohol – for at least a month…

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10 months ago

How to Start 2024 Alcohol-Free and Feeling Amazing!

The combination of the media, the marketing campaigns and social norms encourage us to float through the festive season on a sea of booze. It can be so easy just to go with the flow. How about playing it a bit differently this year? How about resisting…

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10 months ago

Ditch the Alcohol and Freshen Up Your Looks!

Alcohol is linked to 7 types of cancer and more than 60 diseases. Earlier this year, Canada reduced its “low risk” guidelines to just two drinks a week. The WHO states that to be healthy we should not drink any alcohol at all…

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11 months ago

My Toxic Relationship… with Alcohol

My relationship with alcohol began as a flirtation, evolved into a love story and then became a toxic relationship. So toxic I had to end it and write a Goodbye to Alcohol letter. We often think of a “binge drinker” as a teenager in a nightclub…

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12 months ago

7 Signs You Might Have a Drinking Problem

Alcohol consumption has become so normalized in our society. If you’ve ever tried to quit drinking then you’ll know why they say, “Alcohol is the only drug we have to justify not taking.” It’s coping with all the questions and having to come up…

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1 year ago

The Power of 66… Alcohol Free Days

The global wellness economy is estimated to be worth $4 trillion dollars! We are on an endless and expensive quest for wellness, vitality and youth… yet we drink the toxin ethanol on a daily basis. We do the yoga, the juicing…

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1 year ago

Do You Journal? 7 Reasons Why You Should!

I’ve been journaling since I was a grumpy teenager. It all started when I received a Christmas present of a 5-Year Diary. I was underwhelmed until I noticed that it had a lock with a little golden key. That lock inspired me to start writing…

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