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Jane Thurnell-Read is an indie author and blogger, writing about health, well-being and weight loss. Her latest book 190 Weight Loss Hacks: What The Evidence Says is available from Amazon as an eBook and a paperback. Her website is and you can follow her on Instagram @thrivingjane.

Latest Posts By Jane Thurnell-Read

3 years ago

The Trauma After a Grandchild’s Death by Suicide

My 15-year-old grandson died by suicide six weeks ago. At 3pm, six weeks ago, I was wondering how many of the delicious cookies that I’d just baked I could eat. By 5pm, my whole world had changed for ever. To say life is now difficult is a complete…

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5 years ago

6 Evidence-Based Ways to Boost Your Immune System – So Important Right Now!

As we get older, it is particularly important that we nurture our immune systems. They help to fight bugs of all sorts, including the current COVID-19 infection…

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5 years ago

Beauty Concerns for Women of Any Age and 4 Allergens to Avoid in Cosmetics and Skin Care Products

Most of us need various aids to help us feel good. From moisturisers and serums for our dry skin to hair dye to enhance our hair. We often only consider whether or not the products work…

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5 years ago

Have a Vegan Friend? Avoid Making These 10 Common Mistakes When Buying Gifts This Season

With the growth of the world’s vegan population, sooner or later you are going to be faced with the need to buy a gift for a vegan. If you are not a vegan yourself, this can be daunting…

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