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Jane Sawyer writes about aging, retirement, business and careers. After leaving higher education, executive outplacement, and her chemo hat/scarf business, she wrote profiles about seniors living healthy, active lifestyles for the Successful Aging newsletter at the UC San Diego Center for Healthy Aging, as well as for her new blog,

Latest Posts By Jane Sawyer

11 months ago

Considering Relocation in Retirement? Know Your Preferences, Do Your Research and Make Your Plan

We’ve heard retirement referred to as the “golden years,” the “autumn in life,” or the “third act,” and ideal lifestyles ranging from active to passive and energetic to idle. Destinations abroad await some, while tango lessons, writing memoirs, pickleball…

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2 years ago

If Something Is Important… Make It VISUAL

For years, I have written reminder notes for myself. My visual memory (the ability to recall what my eyes have seen) has always been particularly strong, but I’ve relied on this trait more in my 60s and 70s. Whether it is because I underwent chemotherapy…

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2 years ago

How Do We Learn to Find Joy in Later Life?

I was walking across the street toward our mailbox and was suddenly overtaken by a high-speed mass of curly, blond hair. It was a large, young, long-legged Labradoodle – airborne. She had come running from the street behind mine…

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3 years ago

Is There No Escape from Overthinking?

After submitting my first article for Sixty and Me, “What Should I Do? Confessions of an Overthinker,” I wanted to affirm my next step. I had decided to enter the blogosphere, but found myself overthinking, again. This week, I’ve been feeling…

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3 years ago

What Should I Do? Confessions from an Overthinker

If I had a dollar for every time a question or second thought occurred to me, I would assuredly be a billionaire! Overthinking next steps or actions is an all-too-familiar pattern for me and without realizing it, I will consider if it’s the right time to do…

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