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Jan Moore is a Midlife Reinvention Coach who helps women enjoy more Travel, Adventure and Creativity. After 20+ years as a Career Counsellor and Workshop Facilitator, Jan transitioned into self-employment when she wrote the book Work On Your Own Terms in Midlife and Beyond. Please visit her site

Latest Posts By Jan Moore

6 months ago

Reclaim Your Place as an Artist: Creative Thinking Is for Everyone

Creativity has always been a topic I love reading about, so it’s really no surprise that I stumbled on this quote by Pablo Picasso: “Every child is an artist; the problem is staying an artist when you grow up…”

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9 months ago

Creativity as a Path to Reinvention in Midlife

Expressing our creativity becomes more common in midlife as we begin to exchange more stuff for deeper experiences. We finally have the time to pursue a creative project. Creative expression can be a path of self-discovery that provides…

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1 year ago

Midlife Is the Time to Discover What’s Really Important

I wonder if you’re noticing the same trends I’m seeing about how people now view work. I’m seeing a changing definition of success. When I started working in the 70s, success seemed to be defined as how quickly you could climb…

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2 years ago

Create Your Vision for 2023 in Pictures and Words

Few people seem to make New Year’s resolutions these days. They seem outdated and hard-to-keep. Why say your resolution is to visit the gym daily only to disappoint yourself a few months later when your gym clothes become your lounge pajamas?

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2 years ago

The Crazy (Often Funny) Truth About Finding a Toilet While Traveling Abroad

Most of us 60-somethings do a lot of research before we grab our bags and head off on a trip abroad. We make sure our passport is up-to-date, that we have the necessary visas, ensure we have proper immunization requirements…

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2 years ago

My Super-Secret Recipe to Have a Blast Releasing Your Inner Artist in Your 60s

Every Artist struggles with insecurity, and those of us who started making art in our 60s, suffer from it even more. Inner self-talk often includes thoughts like: Who am I to think I can be an Artist? What if people hate my work? Can I actually make…

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2 years ago

Uplift Your Spirit and Sing Your Way to Health and Joy in the Years Beyond 60

I think many of us harbor a secret dream about singing onstage with a rock band. I had this dream fulfilled when my choir director, Leah Hokanson, gave us the opportunity to sing with her backup band…

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3 years ago

Embrace Your Quirks and Have More Fun After 60

Many years ago, someone told me, “If you don’t think other people are weird, it just means you don’t know them very well.” We all have our own little idiosyncrasies. They’re what make us unique…

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3 years ago

Rediscover Play and How It Can Heal Body, Mind and Spirit After 60

What I remember best about my friend is her playfulness. She was one of the few adults in my circle who really knew how to play. She enjoyed a long, fulfilling life despite many hardships along the way. I’ll always remember her joy and laughter…

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4 years ago

Our Internal Tug-Of-War: Feeling Invisible, Yet Afraid to Be Seen After 60

I’ve noticed women often have a love-hate relationship with visibility. We long to be seen and heard while also being afraid of it. We seem ambivalent about how we regard those who stand out and this extends to ourselves as well…

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