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Iris Ruth Pastor, a lifestyle guru, advocates Preserving Your Bloom – encouraging women to use their talents and resources to be the best they can be. Iris is a regular blogger, sought after speaker, and author of the book “The Secret Life of a Weight – Obsessed Woman.” To sign up for her weekly newsletter, read her slice-of-life blogs:

Latest Posts By Iris Pastor

5 years ago

3 Sure-Fire Ways to Get Out of a Funk After 50

The other day, I innocently asked my grandson what he would like for his upcoming ninth birthday. He thought for a moment, then gazed intently into my eyes and answered explicitly, “No books, Nana. And nothing you knitted…”

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6 years ago

4 Simple (and Unexpected) Actions an Empty-Nest Woman Can Do to Successfully Jumpstart 2019

My brand-new day planner for 2019 arrived from Amazon yesterday, and I eagerly began rifling through it – entering key dates and events. Read More

6 years ago

How a “Running Away from Home Soirée” Feeds the Soul

I’ve been busy since my mother passed away three months ago. I have been re-orienting myself to a new status: A Parentless Adult. Read More

7 years ago

What Losing My Mom Taught Me About Life, Love and Devotion

Tuesday, New York City

The call came around noon on Tuesday. It was from my son, who was in Cincinnati for business and had stopped to see his grandmother.

“Mom,” my son beseeched, “you need to get to Ohio as fast as you can. Nana’s not doing well.” Read More

7 years ago

Learning How to Accept Yourself, No Matter What the Mirror Reflects

It took me a while to realize I was not a natural beauty.

The first inkling came when I was 11 years old. I figured out how to maneuver the mirrors in the bathroom to get a look at my profile. I was horrified. My nose had far too many bumps. My lips stuck out and a layer of fat marred my hopes of a chiseled sharp chin line. Read More