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Ilene Mitnick and her wife Allison are the co-founders of The Zest Zone where they share their inspiration for high-vibe living and cooking with essential oils. As certified essential oil educators, they provide wellness coaching and protocols to those who want to live, work, and play with more vitality. Ilene can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Ilene Mitnick

7 months ago

Will I Need Sticky Notes or a Planner to Get Me Through the Year?

It’s nearly December. Around this time of year, I start thinking about what planner, and therefore planning system, I’ll use in January in order to appear organized in the new year. But I hate planners. They’re too confining…

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3 years ago

Cooking with Essential Oils and Doing Good

Eating is my passion and I take it seriously. I love cooking, but I’m passionate about being cooked for, so I’m supremely grateful my wife is an amazing home cook. Every time I devour one of her gastronomic gems, or even when we’re out restaurant…

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3 years ago

The Odd Experience of Unexpectedly Moving to a New Home

Moving is consistently ranked as one of the top 10 most stressful things in life. In the past seven years, we have moved three times. That’s a lot of hours x weeks and months devoted to planning, packing and pining over personal wares that found…

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4 years ago

Fall into Comfort with Warm Elote Soup (RECIPE)

It’s Autumn. A season of heightened rifling through our collection of over one hundred cookbooks (we read them like novels) and old recipes committed to memory. Even in sunny St. Petersburg, Florida, there will soon be an undeniable…

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