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Ilene Marcus, MSW, MPA, is the author of Managing Annoying People and runs Aligned Workplace, speaking and training Leaders and Founders to attract and retain great employees. An emerging literary writer, her goal is to make you smile just a bit more. Please visit her website at

Latest Posts By Ilene Marcus

1 year ago

Letting Go of My 15 Pounds

I vowed to get some of my to-do list done today and not fritter it away by binge-watching a new show. Here’s how it starts: I plan to savor one episode to relax as I eat my breakfast, half of a gluten-free bagel with fat-free cream cheese…

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2 years ago

Knowing Myself Series: Part 5 – Conscious Choices and Staying the Course

As it turns out, managing annoying me is a full-time job. It is also the most rewarding job I have ever done. Who knew taking care of me, is even more rewarding than caring for others. No longer do I put others in front of myself. I make sure I am okay…

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2 years ago

Knowing Myself Series Part 4: Letting Others In (Managing Annoying Me)

If you want to learn how to swim, you start on dry land. Walking slowly in, you acclimate to the water, literally letting it wash over you as you wade in. Eventually, the watch is up to your shoulders, covers most of your body and you put your head…

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2 years ago

Knowing Myself Series – Part 3: Time Takes Time (Including the Bucket List)

I’m always in a rush to get things done. Run the errands, finish a project, clean up after a meal. Rushing has not served me well. I have accidents. I miss information. I am still not settled, nor at peace…

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2 years ago

Knowing Myself Series – Part 2: Falling in Love with Myself

Growing up reading fairy tales, I believed that my soulmate is out there. When he (insert your own preference) crossed my path, it will be love at first sight. We will live happily ever after. Alas, that is not what happened…

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2 years ago

3 Easy Ways You Can Turn Your Empowerment into Success After 60

I’m always sure the grass is greener on the other side. The person sitting next to me got the bigger portion. My friend learned about investing, while I didn’t. The girls in high school knew how to get a prom date. People stay happily married…

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2 years ago

Knowing Myself Series – Part 1: Love What I Have

To be in a healthy romantic relationship with another, you must love yourself first. A hard-won lesson for me, as it is both cliché and overused. I wanted to do it my own way. Three years ago, at 58 years old, I met my soul mate and we fell in love…

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2 years ago

It’s Never Too Early to Prep for the New Year

It is official it is almost next year. On a most perfect New England fall day as my car’s heated seats warmed my soul, I slowed down at a sharp bend in the road. At that moment, bright orange leaves, framed in gold clouds took my breath away…

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2 years ago

Try the Housework Gym Routine: Get Your Body and House in Shape Together!

Why pay for the gym, when real life chores are so much more beneficial? Not to mention, I need a solution that saves time, money and is practical. It’s a retirement conundrum: the gym has become inconvenient…

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2 years ago

7 Songs Every Grandparent Should Share

It seems like yesterday I was singing these songs to my own daughter. Heck, it seems like yesterday I was learning them. And now it’s time to teach them to my children’s children. For me, it’s for my great nieces and nephews, as I am…

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