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Ilene Marcus, MSW, MPA, is the author of Managing Annoying People and runs Aligned Workplace, speaking and training Leaders and Founders to attract and retain great employees. An emerging literary writer, her goal is to make you smile just a bit more. Please visit her website at

Latest Posts By Ilene Marcus

7 months ago

Where’s Your Command Center?

In my house, my command center is on the sitting side of the kitchen peninsula. The smooth white countertop is almost three feet wide and wraps in a U-shape around my entire kitchen, tethered to the rear wall of my house next to the back door…

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8 months ago

I Used to Ski: Thoughts on How to Reconcile Your Past

Right after Thanksgiving, in the Northeast USA the temperature drops precipitously. It’s ice cold outside. As I step out of my warm cozy home, the best place I have ever lived, onto a newly planked landing, looking at one of the best cars I have…

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8 months ago

Why the Place You Choose to Live in Retirement Says a Lot About You

Location. Location. Location. There’s an old saying: “What you see, depends on where you stand.” How often have I traveled the same road, only to notice something new? Sure that it wasn’t always there, I ask others: “Did you see what appeared on route 7?”

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9 months ago

How Lazy Can One Woman Get? (VIDEO)

Sometimes I have to ask myself, how lazy can one woman be? It all started when Alexa became affordable. I placed a unit in every room of my two-story, three-bedroom home. No matter where I stood, sat, or lay down, Alexa was within reach…

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9 months ago

7 Quick Things You Can Do to Have the Best New Year’s Eve Ever

Why does New Year’s Eve evoke such strong feelings in people? It was the best of times, it was the worst of times – thanks for the insight, Charles Dickens. The real question is: how do I bulletproof myself either way?

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10 months ago

Car Accidents Happen a Lot to Me Lately

In the past year, I have had several car accidents. Three to be exact. Spoiler alert, no one was hurt, in any of the incidents. Each time I was barely driving 2 mph. In one, I was parked and not even in the car. In another, I was pulling into my driveway…

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11 months ago

I Swear I Am Skinnier in One Day

Gaining and losing weight has been a battle for me from my earliest memories. I inherited my maternal grandparents’ genes, Polish through and through. Their stocky builds ensure a strong legacy of survival. My grandfather was a baker…

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12 months ago

5 Ways to Accept and Celebrate What You Have in Your Life Right Now

We all know the trick to life is wanting what you have. It’s been quite a lesson to figure out what are the things I need, versus what I think I need. How do you stay in that zone of being happy with what you have?

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1 year ago

Do You Get in Your Own Way? I Sure Do!

I’ll never forget the day I realized it wasn’t the holding on that was killing me. It was being dragged. Mostly through the mud, which was wet and messy. Over my life, I have learned to manage the mud. A stiff dirty martini, some retail therapy…

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1 year ago

My Bakers’ Dozen of Country Women Who Sing My Blues

My relationship with music is one of the most important in my life. It’s been consistent over my six-plus decades. Over those years, I have learned a lot about being in the wrong relationships – romantic, professional, family, and friendship…

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