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Hilary Henderson is a Retirement Coach She brings to her coaching her experience as an Occupational Therapist as well as an entrepreneur. Her mission is to help people find relevance, purpose and meaning in their retirement years. Facebook is one way to reach out to her.

Latest Posts By Hilary Henderson

5 years ago

5 Reasons More Boomers Are Working in Retirement – It Is Not Just About Money

Boomers are, true to form, changing the meaning of the word ‘retirement’. If you look it up in any dictionary, retirement is all about stopping work. But even if we can afford to, many of us have no intention of stopping work…

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5 years ago

Why You Need a Mentor to Excel in Your Post-Retirement Business

For many of us, starting a business in retirement is a first. Fresh out of employment in the corporate sector, we know tons about the machinations of a large corporation. Put to the test, however, we find we know very little…

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5 years ago

Want to Start a Business in Retirement? 5 Ways a Coach Can Help

Are you thinking of starting a small business in retirement? Taking on a coach is a really good place to begin. Read More

6 years ago

6 Major Areas of Life Affected by Retirement and Aging

Why is it that people are reluctant to plan for retirement? The average person spends more time planning an overseas holiday than they do retirement.

Is it because the word retirement conjures up images of growing old and dying? Or do we minimize the importance of planning because we perceive retirement as an eternal holiday? Read More

7 years ago

Tapping into the Gig Economy and Working as an Independent Contractor in Your 60s

The gig economy? What is that? It is simply a technical word for the economy that absorbs a number of part-time and flexi-time workers into employment on a contractual basis, via the Internet. Read More

7 years ago

Finding Your Ikigai and Purpose in Retirement

This weekend, I had reason to look at the statement “finding purpose in retirement.” It is a statement I find myself using often.

For many, finding purpose points to finding the deep spiritual meaning of life which may not seem relevant when used in the context of retirement. This is why I would like to look at it more carefully. Read More

7 years ago

What is a Retirement Coach and Why Might You Need One?

In our parents’ days, people simply left the job they had held most of their lives and moved onto permanent vacation when they retired. But then, most of them never lived the additional 25 to 30 years anticipated for many of us boomers. Read More