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Hilary Henderson is a Retirement Coach She brings to her coaching her experience as an Occupational Therapist as well as an entrepreneur. Her mission is to help people find relevance, purpose and meaning in their retirement years. Facebook is one way to reach out to her.

Latest Posts By Hilary Henderson

2 years ago

5 Secret Weapons That Older Entrepreneurs Have and How to Use Them

The obvious strength that older entrepreneurs bring to the business table is the stash of skills and knowledge acquired and built up over a 40-year career. But what are the secret weapons…

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2 years ago

6 Steps to Restoring Balance After Retirement

Many of us have the tendency to head towards the finish line at work, telling themselves that they are going on an eternal holiday and the well-deserved rest they have earned over 40 years in the  labor force…

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2 years ago

Feeling Overwhelmed and FOMO – The Downside of the World Wide Web

Few would dispute that the world wide web has revolutionized our lives. But, as with many good things, there is also a downside that requires a management strategy. I do not profess to have a solution, as I myself lurch between excitement…

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3 years ago

6 Ways for an Older Woman to Become a Successful Entrepreneur

Is this because necessity is the mother of invention, or is it simply that the number of 55-64-year-olds is on the rise? According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of women-owned firms also increased two-and-a-half times the national average…

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4 years ago

5 Reasons Why Boomers Want to Work in Retirement

If I asked you to provide some reasons as to why many Boomers want to continue working in retirement, the most frequent answer would be, “for the money.” I don’t doubt that is the main motive, but I would like to further…

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4 years ago

Harnessing the Benefits of the Web to Launch Your Business After 60

Some time ago I wrote about the slippery slide to being overwhelmed when dealing with the world wide web. This time I would like to talk about the benefits as I see them, of using the web to promote your business. Read More

5 years ago

6 Things Workers Over 60 Need to Know to Thrive in a Multi-Generational Workplace

If you choose to continue working after the official age of retirement, you stand a good chance of working in a team with Millennials and Generation X’s…

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5 years ago

Pros and Cons of Working in the Burgeoning Gig Economy After You Hit 60

When we were growing up, we used the term “gig” in the context of musicians – so and so is doing a gig tonight at such and such a club. In fact, the term was first coined by jazz musicians…

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5 years ago

5 Qualities You Need to Be a Successful Entrepreneur in Retirement

Research shows that the number of people planning to leave a traditional “job” and instead go with self-employment is set to rise exponentially by 2020. In many economies, the lack of jobs in the formal sector is driving…

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5 years ago

4 Reasons Why I Decided to Work with a Business Coach in Retirement (And What I Learned)

When I retired at the age of 60, I had no idea what I would do with this new stage of my life. I had not planned to leave work at 60; in my mind I had thought I would continue working on till 65…

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