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Hilary Henderson is a Retirement Coach She brings to her coaching her experience as an Occupational Therapist as well as an entrepreneur. Her mission is to help people find relevance, purpose and meaning in their retirement years. Facebook is one way to reach out to her.

Latest Posts By Hilary Henderson

5 months ago

Why So Many People Do Not Want to Plan for Retirement

Why is it that so many people do not want to look at retirement seriously? It is said that people spend more time planning an overseas trip than they do retirement. Do we fear retirement? If so, what do we fear?

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7 months ago

Does Working in Retirement Require a Shift in Mindset?

The word “retirement” is taking on a completely different meaning in the 21st Century from what it meant in our parents’ day. Back then, retirement referred to the day you stopped work, and life thereafter looked pretty much like going on holiday…

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7 months ago

Working in Retirement: The 3 Rs That Will Help You Find Your Passion

Many of us do not even consider stopping work as an option in retirement. We may plan to work in a different way, different hours, or even utilizing totally different skills. I find exciting the notion that many of us decide to use this opportunity…

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8 months ago

How to Find Your 7 Intangible Assets and What to Do With Them

A tangible asset is one that you can touch, feel or see and you can trade. Some examples are your investments, car and house if you own them. If you neglect to do regular maintenance on your house, its value will gradually deflate…

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9 months ago

Finding Your New Identity After 60 Requires Saying Goodbye to the Old One

Most of us do not stop to reflect on how entwined our identity is with our work roles. Have you noticed how people meeting you for the first time tend to start a conversation by asking what you do? That is because it is a very useful entry to…

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1 year ago

7 Qualities of a Good Entrepreneur That Will Help You Start a Business in Retirement

In a previous blog, I offered some points to consider when you decide to become an entrepreneur in retirement. This time I would like to look at the qualities that make a successful entrepreneur. It is not a failsafe guarantee…

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1 year ago

Want to Become an Entrepreneur in Retirement? Here Are 5 Important Points You Should Consider

Many of us are turning our hands to starting a small business to supplement retirement income. This will probably pose no problems if you have been an entrepreneur previously – though few entrepreneurs retire!

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2 years ago

7 Benefits of Owning a Business in Mid-Life

Increasingly, we see the 50+ generation turning their hand to running their own business. For some, it is because ageism has blocked their access to mainstream employment, but for the vast majority…

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2 years ago

10 Pros and Cons of an Encore Career After 60

The concept of an “encore career” is spearheaded by the US non-profit called If you come to this article wondering what on earth I am talking about…

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2 years ago

Feeling the Burnout of Work in Retirement? Re-Evaluate the Importance of Taking a Break!

As a retirement coach, I spend my time discussing the possibility of working for oneself in retirement. It offers the opportunity to work flexible hours and to do something that ignites your passion…

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