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Harriet Cabelly is a clinical social worker and positive psychology coach. She is passionate about helping people cope and grow through their critical life-changing circumstances, guiding them towards rebuilding their lives with renewed meaning and purpose. Visit her website, and sign up to get free chapters from her book, Living Well Despite Adversity.

Latest Posts By Harriet Cabelly

3 months ago

7 Myths of Grief We Need to Dismantle

We live in a grief illiterate society. We don’t like talking about death, the most certain and inevitable life event; and the one that comes to the forefront of our minds when we talk about grief. But grief shows itself around any and all losses…

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6 months ago

Re-Connecting with Ourselves After Decades of Putting Our Wishes Aside

Discovering who we are isn’t only for teenagers going through trials and tribulations of identity. As adult life sets in, and we become inundated with the myriad of responsibilities, we focus on keeping our heads above water…

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7 months ago

4 F’s for Navigating Through Those Difficult Times

We all know that challenges are a part of life. Yet we are never prepared for them when they appear at our door. “Why are you here, things are going well, leave me alone.” We all get those knocks – the knocks of life…

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8 months ago

When Adversity Strikes – Use It for Growth

Winston Churchill once said, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Let’s not just get through the difficulties of our challenges and our adversities, let’s grow through them. Otherwise, what a waste to have them! The old saying, “When life gives you lemons…

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8 months ago

3 Japanese Concepts to Enrich Your Life

The island of Okinawa in Japan is one of the longevity hot-spots of the world. That means it’s been identified as one of the five Blue Zones – areas where people live the longest and are the healthiest. Several beautiful concepts…

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1 year ago

Death as a Guide Towards Good Living

Does knowing there’s an end point guide you towards living well? As a society, we don’t talk much about death. Yet if we did, perhaps we’d live better. Many feel it is morbid to think about let alone talk about. I have a friend who upon her birthday…

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2 years ago

Rebuilding Life After a Crisis

At various points we all go through challenges that necessitate rebuilding. Perhaps a divorce, an illness, a major life transition like retirement, the death of a loved one. These and many more require healing and recovering.

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2 years ago

What Are the Right Questions We Should Ask Ourselves?

Questions direct our focus. I learned long ago when my second child was diagnosed with a neurological condition, that asking the ‘why’ questions leads to a dark unnavigable place with no return. It’s a free-falling bottomless pit…

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3 years ago

How We Can Actively Support Someone in Grief

We are fixers by nature. If there’s a problem, we naturally want to find a solution. Our society carries that concept to an immediate solution known as pill popping. We’ve become this type of fixer for basically all problems…

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3 years ago

Living Well Despite Adversity Depends on These 3 Skills

A common belief is that our happiness and wellbeing are in direct proportion to our circumstances. When things are going well, we’re happy. When problems or challenges enter in, we’re miserable. And we’ve all said things like, “When I lose weight, I’ll…”

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