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Hanna Morrell is a holistic, trauma-informed financial coach who helps people trust themselves with their money. Her adaptive curriculum respects that every decision we make is either directly or indirectly a financial decision. Hanna delights in teaching her clients how they can build and customize their own money systems.

Latest Posts By Hanna Morrell

5 months ago

Is No-Exam Life Insurance Right for You?

Just as it says, you don’t need a medical exam to get this kind of life insurance. If you are underinsured, have no insurance and/or have an underlying medical condition, or you only need a little life insurance, no-exam life insurance may be the best option…

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6 months ago

One Piece of Financial Advice You Can Ignore

If there is one piece of traditional financial advice I wish we all knew we could ignore, it would be “Only spend on what you need, not what you want.”
You’ve probably heard this piece of wisdom thousands of times in your life, and maybe you’ve even…

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7 months ago

Are You Guilty of Financial Infidelity?

A 2023 survey done by found that nearly 40% of respondents are committing some kind of financial infidelity on their partners. And although the younger generations seem to have a higher incidence of this, no generation is immune…

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8 months ago

How to Make Your Savings Stick Around a Bit

Regardless of your income, it can be difficult to build savings. We all know we should be building savings and not just using it for any purpose, but we haven’t really been told how to do that.
Just expecting yourself to automatically build savings is not enough…

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9 months ago

When Not to Give Money to Family

There is a wonderful kind of privilege that comes with working hard for the last three or four decades… Savings are finally growing, the debt and/or mortgage is being paid down, and finally it feels like we can breathe just a little and enjoy life!

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11 months ago

Spending Less on Holidays Without Feeling Restricted

Well, it’s that time of year again! Time to start thinking about holiday shopping. Sure, every year we tell ourselves we’re going to spend less, but we end up spending more, or worse, having no idea how much we spent!

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11 months ago

What’s at the Roots of Financial Divorce Recovery?

Five years post-divorce, 25% of people say they feel recovered from the emotional impact of divorce, vs 35% who say they are still not recovered from the financial impact. Even after five years, so many of us are not financially resilient after divorce…

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