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Gloria Thiessen, M.A., RCC, CYT-500, C-IAYT is a seasoned psychotherapist, Yoga teacher and writer. She’s passionate about creating healing environments that restore balance to the body and mind, while nourishing the soul. She’s the founder of Nishka Therapy and can be reached at

Latest Posts By Gloria Thiessen

10 months ago

Where Do You Find Sanctuary?

I don’t think I’m going out on a limb when I say we’re living in troubling times. But rather than spending our time getting into all of that, I prefer instead we turn our attention in an even more important direction: to our own experience in it all…

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12 months ago

The Lotus and the Mud: What We Can Learn About Personal Growth

Consider this: The beautiful, genteel lotus flower comes from a dark, dank, hidden place. This hardy plant’s roots grow deep in the muddy sediment of a murky pond. Its nutrient rich tuber “seed” has all it needs in potential form for its ascent into plant-hood…

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1 year ago

What Gets in the Way of Moving Forward and What We Can Do About It

Our desire to expand and become more than we are now is a built-in aspect of our nature. It’s there to stimulate us to move beyond our pre-conceived notions of ourselves, and for some of us, the self-imposed limits that emerge when we try to do so…

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1 year ago

Homeopathy for the Soul, and How We Benefit

At 25, I was a hot mess. Confused, depressed, reckless. By then I’d completed an undergraduate degree in Psychology, but for a variety of reasons wasn’t yet working steady. It was a dark period. The despair was real. There was no clarity of mind…

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1 year ago

The Fast Track to De-Cluttering Our Mind and Why We Should

Consider this: our possessions are nothing more than inanimate objects. They don’t pulse with the same life energies as we do. Right? Curiously, no, that’s not the case at all. Research in the area of quantum physics shows that inanimate objects…

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1 year ago

The Forgotten Key to Well-Being and What We Can Do About It

There’s an ancient saying that goes something like this: What we give our attention to, grows. If our attention goes to the relentless need to do it all and to please everyone along the way, over time living this way will come at the expense of our health…

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