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Gloria Dunn-Violin is a professional speaker, workshop leader, and author of Revivement: Having a Life After Making a Living. Her 25-year background in organizational behavior and development, constant research and personal experience makes her uniquely qualified to guide retirees on their journey. She also hosted a cable TV talk show and writes for publication. Visit her site at

Latest Posts By Gloria Dunn-Violin

4 months ago

This International Women’s Day, Let’s Celebrate the Women Who Came Before Us

Someday in the future, our female youth may think of us who are over 60 as ‘the women before us.’ We are the women who inspire their future. We are the women who went through the fires of life, held fast and came out more whole and wholesome…

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2 years ago

Finding Your Bliss After 60: What Did You Always Want to Be When You Grew Up?

As a child, did you know what you wanted to be when you grew up? Did you aspire to be a teacher, doctor, musician or something else? When I was six, I wanted to be an actress. Your desires of long ago are clues to your innate talents…

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3 years ago

Why Having a Sense of Purpose Is So Important in Retirement

Do you do something that fills you with satisfaction and meaning? Do you feel a sense of accomplishment because what you do aligns with who you are? Or, are you in a quandary to discover how to contribute your expertise and good heart in the world?

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3 years ago

How to Reinvent Yourself After Disaster Strikes in 8 Steps

After you’ve been through a personal disaster there is usually an upside. You start making new and better decisions and feel proud that you made it through. But, how did you get there? I’ve been through several of these upheavals throughout my life…

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4 years ago

How to Fight Negative Thoughts by Changing Your Mindset

What internal messages do you hold onto? Are they positive or negative? You become what you think. If you think of yourself positively, your brain agrees with you and treats you with respect. If you don’t – guess what?

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4 years ago

Why Working After Retirement is Good for Your Body, Mind, and Soul

If you’re heading toward retirement, you’re probably fantasizing about: No more freeways! No more deadlines! No more stress! Working after retirement may not even be a thought.

In fact, you may be thinking, “I’m free. I’ll never work again.” Read More

4 years ago

Let’s Challenge Aging Stereotypes with the Words We Use

If you’re passed 60, you might be giving in to the misguided images that society has long promoted about being older. It’s so easy to do, isn’t it? It’s so easy to do, isn’t it? If something hurts, it must be because you’re aging…

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6 years ago

Women of Grit Who Overcome Adversity Are Becoming Today’s Leaders

Grit is a human attribute that women over 60 have earned and can use to have a great life in their later years Read More

6 years ago

It’s Never Too Late to Find Love and a New Career

We go through life constantly wondering. When will it happen? When will I find the right man or partner or that next job or career? We’re always wanting and waiting, but never feeling sure or complete. Perhaps 2018 is your time to find what you are looking for. Read More

7 years ago

How Old Do You Feel on the Inside? The Art of Staying Youthful Within

Over a year ago, I was going to come out of the closet about my age at a talk I was giving. I had just had a birthday though, and someone beat me to it by putting it on Facebook. I had just turned 77. Read More