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Ginny McReynolds is a longtime writer. She holds an MFA in Creative Nonfiction from Goucher College, and writes about communication, retirement, reinvention, self-concept and creativity in The Washington Post, Curve magazine, and Please visit her blog called Finally Time for This: A Beginner's Guide to the Second Act of Life

Latest Posts By Ginny McReynolds

3 years ago

Say Sorry the Right Way: Make Sure Your Apology Is Sincere!

If you’re like me, the phrase “I’m sorry” makes regular appearances in your conversations. I say it when I’m late, when I feel embarrassed, when someone tells me they feel sad about something. I also say it when the person I’m addressing looks…

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4 years ago

6 Things You Can Do to Shake Things Up in Your Life After 60

I know this feeling of sameness so well. It starts with being grumpy for a few days or weeks – on edge, short-tempered. Then I’ll start sleeping poorly. I know that it’s taken a hold on me when I don’t want to get up in the morning…

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4 years ago

Stretching Your Limits After 60: Challenge Yourself for Growth and Happiness

As we age, it’s easy to sit back and leave it to others to make the world around us an interesting place to live. In reality, though, inspiring ourselves and creating our own stimulation can mean the difference between a humdrum existence and a lovely life. Read More

5 years ago

5 Ways “Coming Back” to Yourself Can Improve Your Life After 60

When you’ve lived as long as I have, you have figured out a few tricks that you can pull out of your pocket on a tough day. Whether it’s getting some rest, taking a walk, talking to a close friend or just having some time to yourself, the key is really re-setting one’s self. Read More

6 years ago

4 Tips for Managing the Difficult Conversations that We Face After 60

Whether we need to tell our adult children that we’ve started dating, or our best friend confides in us that she has been diagnosed with cancer, we often find ourselves in the midst of a difficult conversation. Read More

6 years ago

It’s Never Too Late! 6 Ways to Make a Change in Your Life After 60

If you’re like me, the beginning of a new week, or a new month, is often the perfect time to start a new venture – taking up a hobby, learning a skill, even starting a business. Read More

7 years ago

5 Ways to Move Your Body, Mind and Attitude After 60

Most of us know there isn’t a magic cure for everything that ails us, whether it’s physical or emotional. Still, there is one thing we can all do that will make us feel better, no matter what’s going on. Read More

7 years ago

5 Unexpected Things Every Woman Needs in Her 60s

Most of us have spent a lot of time in our lives trying to achieve certain goals, obtain particular possessions and create and maintain relationships. Read More

8 years ago

4 Ways That Pushing Yourself Can Change Your Life After 60

For the last year or so, I’ve been a little scattered with a few too many things on my plate and I let my overall fitness suffer. So, getting back into shape was definitely on my to-do list this year. Read More

8 years ago

Making Friends as an Adult: The Value of Cross-Generational Relationships

Yesterday I took my 79-year-old friend to the hairdresser. We go out a couple of times a week, with occasional stops at the store to stock her refrigerator or at the drug store to pick up a prescription. Then we visit for a while when we get back and catch up on family news. Read More