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Gaili Schoen is a passionate piano teacher and learning science researcher. She has written a piano instruction series called Upper Hands Piano: A Method for Adults 50+ to Spark the Mind, Heart and Soul. Learn more at Follow her blog for free monthly sheet music and practice tips:

Latest Posts By Gaili Schoen

10 months ago

Piano Lesson 24: When Is the Best Time of Day for Us to Learn New Things?

I’m often asked for tips on how to practice most effectively. Cognitive Science has much to offer people of all ages about the best ways to practice for optimal memory retention. But where older adults differ from children is in the time of day…

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10 months ago

Piano Lesson 23: Holiday Music and Swing!

It’s Lesson 23 and this week we are skipping ahead to p.71 in your Upper Hands Piano, Book 1 to learn a new note and Swing rhythm, and we’re also learning some holiday songs, because there is no better way to celebrate than with music!

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11 months ago

Piano Lesson 22: Expressing Our Gratitude

Welcome to Lesson 22! Today we are covering p.67-68 plus a couple bonus Thanksgiving songs! If you are following me on my timeline, it’s November, the month to think about, and to express, gratitude. Since starting a gratitude practice about 4 years ago…

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11 months ago

Piano Lesson 21: Expand Your Musical Mind

It’s LESSON 21 today, and I’m excited to show you some new things to expand your musical mind! [NOTE: If you are just joining us for the first time, you can find my previous Sixty and Me Free Piano Lessons on my Author page. You can join our lessons any time and move at your […]

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12 months ago

Piano Lesson 20: Repeats and Happy Endings

It is Lesson 20 today! We will be playing Vivialdi’s “Spring,” and studying the repeat signs and multiple endings on p.63 in our Upper Hands Piano, BOOK 1. [NOTE: If you are just joining us for the first time, you can find my previous Sixty and Me Free Piano Lessons on my Author page. You […]

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1 year ago

Piano Lesson 19: Remember the Count-Off!

In music, we generally “count off” or “count down” a measure or two before we start playing to establish the tempo internally. When we play in bands, ensembles or orchestras we always count off a measure or two to make sure that everyone starts together…

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1 year ago

Piano Lesson 18: Touchstones and Treble A

If I make an agreement with myself that I get to have my morning matcha AFTER I have practiced my piano for 20 minutes, I will be more likely to get my practice in, and it will be sooner rather than later, because I don’t like to have caffeinated drinks after noon…

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1 year ago

Piano Lesson 17: Elder Einstein, Punctual Postie, and Dashing Dora Teach Tempo!

Tempo markings tell us how fast or slow to play a piece. Tempo is another way we add expression to our playing; playing slowly, or at a medium walking tempo, or at a quick, lively speed definitely affects the emotion of the music…

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1 year ago

Piano Lesson 16: Reading and Playing Dotted Notes

I love reading about strategies that explain how we can turn our goals into habits, because I know that once we form a habit we are more likely to stick with it, and I have several activities for which I want to improve my skills…

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1 year ago

Piano Lesson 15: Play and Hydrate!

I had a dear student fall backwards off the bench at our piano lesson, and it was terrifying for both of us. I was afraid that he was having a stroke, but it turned out that he was simply dehydrated. He had to be hospitalized for a couple days until he stabilized…

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