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Felicia Reid is a board certified nutritional therapy practitioner and a registered yoga teacher. She’s passionate about empowering others with knowledge about nutrition, movement and lifestyle choices, so that they can thrive and live their best life at every age. Find her at and on instagram @thewellnesschair.

Latest Posts By Felicia Reid

6 months ago

Healthy Eating Habits for a Healthy Mind

The subject of mental health, including stress, anxiety and depression, has entered our homes in record numbers over the past couple of years. The ups and downs of life exacerbated by a pandemic, a war, ever increasing inflation and a whole list…

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7 months ago

Managing Inflammation Leads to Healthier Bones

Inflammation is your body’s favorite companion, sometimes. Realistically, you can’t live without it, but when it becomes too clingy you can’t live with it either. In the short term, inflammation comes to the rescue when you have a minor infection or injury…

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8 months ago

Is Your Lymphatic System Resilient?

With so many viruses circulating this time of year, it’s important to talk about what makes your body resilient and actively supported in the first place. Your lymphatic system warrants your attention and there’s no shopping required…

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9 months ago

5 Yoga-Based Poses That Will Help You Overcome Your Fear of Falling (VIDEO)

Ask a group of older adults what they’re most afraid of as they age and almost always one of them will say, ‘falling’. Falling when you’re older often has consequences. According to a US nationwide study done by Texas A&M University Health Science Center…

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2 years ago

Vibrant Aging Starts with the Right Nutrients

Spring is a great time to kickstart a health plan. Think about what you’ve been doing to help yourself thrive as you age. If nothing comes to mind, nutrition is always a good place to begin. The right nutrition will set you up for better sleep, energy…

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2 years ago

Keeping Yourself Healthy Through the Holiday Season

The turkey has been served and the holiday season has officially begun. Yay, socializing! Exactly what you’ve been craving, yet you’re feeling a bit queasy now. The aftereffects of gathering are starting to surface and half of the group you gathered…

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2 years ago

Do Habits Dictate What You Eat?

So much of our daily life is the result of habits, and we don’t even realize it until we step aside and observe our actions. Eating, too, becomes habitual. Just take a moment and think about how, when, what and where you ate this past week. Then, read on…

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2 years ago

Easy Ways to Save When Shopping for Groceries

When prices start to rise, it’s natural to think twice before buying anything and to begin to make changes where necessary. Many people become quite creative in how they pick and choose what to buy and when. It’s no different when it comes…

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2 years ago

Kickstart Your Digestive Health with Fiber  

When all else seems too daunting, simply adding dietary fiber into your daily diet may improve the function of your gastrointestinal system, your immune system and aid in the prevention and onset of diseases like diabetes, heart disease…

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