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A journalist for more than 40 years, Ellen Rand is a hospice volunteer and author of “Last Comforts: Notes from the Forefront of Late Life Care.” Inveterate optimist, aging baby boomer and besotted grandmother, she is passionate about sharing news and guidance about finding excellent care for ourselves and our loved ones. You can visit her blog and follow Ellen on Twitter @EllenRandNJ

Latest Posts By Ellen Rand

9 months ago

Now is the Perfect Time to Tell the Story of Your Life

When I became a hospice volunteer, I imagined – considering my background as a reporter and writer – that I might be able to help people who wanted to write or record their life stories. I thought it would help people make sense…

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2 years ago

How to Live Emotionally Well with Serious Illness After 60

As a hospice volunteer, one of the many things I’ve come to understand is that everyone faces serious illness and the prospect of death differently. There’s simply no “right way” or “wrong way” to approach it…

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2 years ago

How to Get Involved in the Creative Arts in Your 60s  

We all know how important it is to incorporate physical exercise in our lives to help us age well. It’s good for our bodies, of course, but also for our spirits. It raises our sense of well-being, perhaps enhancing our connection to nature…

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3 years ago

Caregiving 101: Using the Internet to Learn What We Never Learned in School

I don’t think the phrase “leg bag” was ever part of my husband’s and my vocabulary when we were newly-wed several decades ago. But it was just one more thing we learned over the course of his treatment for a stubborn and troublesome kidney stone…

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3 years ago

Choosing the Right Questions to Ask Your Doctor When Facing a Serious Diagnosis

Shortly after my then-85-year-old mother was diagnosed with a brain tumor, my brother and I accompanied her to meetings with several specialists. We were trying to determine what, if any, treatment would make the most sense for her…

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5 years ago

Lives Well Lived: A Welcome Look at Purpose and Resilience in Later Life

It often seems as if portrayals of older adults in the media, in films, or on TV – when they’re portrayed at all – follow one of two models: frail, doddering, addled, foolish…

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6 years ago

Embracing Elder Care: The Next Generation of Talented, Passionate Women

We rarely take time to dwell on this, but at some future point, many of us will need assistance as physical disabilities, chronic illness, frailty, or dementia take hold. At the same time, the sad reality is that we may not have enough of a broad and well-trained healthcare workforce to take care of us…

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6 years ago

Exploring Both Sides of the Physician-Aided Dying Conversation

Of all the healthcare issues that spark controversy, extreme emotion and passionate advocacy, the idea of physician-assisted dying arguably tops the list. It’s not hard to understand why. Faced with the prospect of intractable pain and prolonged suffering, many people believe that…

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7 years ago

The 6 Things That Are on Most People’s Bucket Lists

Do you dream about skydiving some day? Or maybe climbing an imposing mountain? How about spending a month in Tahiti? Read More

7 years ago

When it Comes to End of Life Care, Don’t Fall for Magical Thinking!

You may not think you’re susceptible to magical thinking, but don’t discount the possibility that it will make its presence felt when you least expect it. Read More