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Elizabeth Letcher loves to read books, drink coffee and snuggle with her dog. Before retirement, she spent 30 years working with medical data and computers. Her first book, Successful Aging by the Numbers, a Funny Little Guide to Living a Resilient Life is available on Amazon. You can see other fun stuff at her website

Latest Posts By Elizabeth Letcher

4 years ago

How World Crises Can Wreck Our Normal Routines for Visiting Family

Yesterday my mother called me. I live in Oklahoma, and she lives in Florida. Our regular routine is this: I fly to Florida in October to celebrate her birthday. She flies to Oklahoma in May to celebrate mine…

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4 years ago

What Do Nursing Homes Do That Hotels Don’t?

You may have seen an email, social media post, or cartoon that tells you how crazy you’d be to go to a nursing home. Hotels are cheaper and they have swimming pools…

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5 years ago

5 Ways to Find Out if You Have a Fixed Mindset or a Growth Mindset in Your 60s

Do you have a friend who always tries new things and invites you to tag along? “It could be fun,” she says, and it’s true. It could be great! You hope that finally, at this age, you will find your “Prince Talent…”

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