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Elise Marquam-Jahns is a professional makeup artist who is passionate about helping women 50+ get their glow back. She is the founder of Boomer and Beyond Beauty and runs the “Boomer and Beyond Beauty with Elise” YouTube channel. Elise has authored the free guide The Top Four Research-Proven Makeup Techniques That Help Us Look Our Best Now.

Latest Posts By Elise Marquam-Jahns

4 years ago

A Pro-Makeup-Artist Guide to the 10 Most Helpful Beauty Tools for Women 50+

About a decade ago there was a fascinating series of programs on PBS that placed several modern-day families and individuals in a recreated, historically accurate environment…

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5 years ago

6 Skincare Musts for Women 50+ (AND 5 Game Changing Skincare Products!) – Video

There’s no question that for our makeup to look its best, our skin has to look its best. We all know the four essential care practices for great skin…

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5 years ago

9 Pro Makeup Artist Tips for Women 50+ with Hooded Eyes (Video)

What exactly is a hooded eye? Hooded eyes form when we have excess skin folding down from the brown bone to the lash line which makes our eyes look smaller. We can be born with hooded eyes or they can be a result of our skin changing as we get older…

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5 years ago

Should You Shun Shimmer Eye Makeup After 50? Check Out These 5 Suggestions

Do you remember rummaging through your mother’s (or grandmother’s) jewelry box and being drawn to the sparkle of a rhinestone brooch or earrings? Or perhaps you recall playing dress up with a friend…

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5 years ago

Need to Improve Your Slumber? This Expert’s Advice Works Wonders for Women Over 60

According to Dr. W. Chris Winter, author of The Sleep Solution, most physicians receive less than two hours of training about the entire field of sleep during medical school…

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5 years ago

Senior Weight Loss 101: What Is the Microbiome Diet?

Our oldest daughter gave us a very special gift this past Christmas: two round trip tickets from Arizona to Minneapolis so we could spend four days after Christmas with her family. We laughed as we played games like Spoons, Telestrations, and Scattergories…

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5 years ago

Feeling Unhappy? This Powerful Happiness Exercise Works Like Magic

Are we living where our soul feels at home? This topic resonates with many of us.

Many of us have lived in a certain place for career or family reasons. Or perhaps we lived in a place we once loved but which no longer speaks to us. Read More

5 years ago

How to Master the Tiny Behaviors That Can Lead to Remarkable Results

In his book, Atomic Habits, author James Clear tells the story of professional cycling in Great Britain which had endured nearly one hundred years of mediocrity…

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5 years ago

The Importance of Play in the Years After 60

Just the other day, I was walking near a park close to our home and heard what I can only describe as the joyous squeal of a toddler who’d just gone down a slide. And I’ll always remember the look of pure joy on the face…

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5 years ago

Functional Medicine: Have You Heard of the Secret Weapon Against Chronic Disease?

In a recent TedxChicago talk, Dr. Mark Hyman – an 11-time New York Times best-selling author and functional medicine expert – shared these statistics: Read More