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Elena is originally from Argentina and has lived in seven cities on four continents around the world. She is a writer, an artist, the mother of four, and grandmother of 10. She travels extensively and lives in Coconut Grove, Miami. She writes about topics of interest to herself and her peers.

Latest Posts By Elena Karplus

4 years ago

A New Look Back at a Year in Solitude

I spent the last day of the year on my own, as I have been since March 11th and the arrival of this pandemic. Dramatically different to my usual holidays when I am visited by my children, their families, and a parade of friends and relatives…

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4 years ago

Adopting and Celebrating Traditions from Around the World

Halloween was not celebrated in Argentina when I was growing up. The only dress-up holiday we took part in was “Carnival,” which takes place in February, right in the middle of the Southern Hemisphere’s summer…

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4 years ago

Shopping for Youth and Beauty Pre-Pandemic

Miami has lovely malls and one of them, the Shops at Merrick Park, is a few blocks away from my house. I could walk there if I lived in a normal “walking” city, but the reality is that in this town, much like in Los Angeles, nobody walks…

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4 years ago

Pandemics, Hurricanes… Oh My!

Not all hurricanes are created equal, but in Miami, we take all of them very seriously, especially since August 16, 1992, when Hurricane Andrew devastated our city. After being in self-isolation since March, it was alarming for me…

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4 years ago

The Corona Chronicles: Beware the Cycle

I’ve been a bit of an insomniac lately. Possibly because my life, like the lives of most citizens of the world, has been turned upside down by this pandemic. Nondescript days flow into nights of wondering how it got dark so fast…

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4 years ago

Mercury Retrograde? What’s the Fuss All About?

Yesterday, I was on the phone with my sister, who lives and is quarantined in Buenos Aires. She was complaining that so many different things around the house needed fixing. As she was telling me about her broken electric oven…

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4 years ago

Viva la Siesta! 9 Tips to Renew and Refresh Your Day – With or Without Coronavirus

Growing up in Buenos Aires, where summer days are hot and endless, “Siesta Time” got us kids out of the pool or away from the sprinklers and into a cool and quiet house…

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4 years ago

Remembering My Mother on Mothers’ Day: A True Story of a Brave Girl

“Everything is going to be alright, sweetheart,” my mother would remind me as I relayed the latest drama in my life. She was a sweet and comforting presence who…

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4 years ago

How Technology Assists Grandparenting in the Age of Covid-19

In normal times, my children fly into my life in Miami like the wind, often resembling a soft and balmy breeze, though at times their visits can feel more like a hurricane. They bring precious cargo…

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