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Donna Marie Todd is a storyteller and keynote speaker. The author of “Navigating Loss: A Survival Guide for the Newly Widowed,” she is a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist® who offers online healing programs, blogs, and podcasts. Learn more at and

Latest Posts By Donna Marie Todd

9 months ago

How to Celebrate the Holidays When You’re Grieving (VIDEO)

The Christmas displays go up, holiday music fills the air. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere you go. Except at your house. Because when you’re grieving, the holidays can hurt. The first year I was widowed, no one got anything from me…

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1 year ago

Can You Keep Old Relationships from Ruining New Ones?

By the time you’re over 60, you’ve had at least one, maybe more, significant love relationships. If you’re reading this article, chances are good that you’re single now. It’s a fact: Love brings both good and bad to our lives. Being in love is the most exciting feeling…

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2 years ago

What to Do When You Can’t Forget About Him

Women are more invested in their relationships than men, on average. So, it makes sense that we would hurt more when our man leaves us or dies. Many are the times I’ve been almost haunted by memories of my husband, torn apart…

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3 years ago

Is Covid Changing Your Relationships?

It’s been so long since I’ve had a hug that I put my hug-o-meter in the basement next to the Christmas ornaments. Maybe by the time the holidays roll around we’ll be able to safely hug someone again. If not, I may buy one of those…

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4 years ago

How to Get Past Your Fear and Live a Happy Life!

Every woman I know has a story about fear. Many of us have more than one. My battle with fear started as a learned behavior. I was a pastor’s daughter, and our home was right next door to the church. In the 1960s, we didn’t lock our doors…

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4 years ago

Yes, You Can and Should Fall in Love with Yourself! (VIDEO)

Autumn is my favorite time of year. I like the crisp air and the happy red apples beaming from baskets next to orange pumpkins. At the first snap of cold air, my ancient baking gene kicks on, and I start up making cornbread and cobblers…

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4 years ago

Feeling Scared During Covid? Try This Positivity Exercise!

I’ve been pacing like a cat in a Covid cage; isolated from others, hungry for interaction, desperate for relationship, and feeling the stress of being alone in a pandemic. Can you relate? Things get so quiet when you live alone. The cat meows…

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4 years ago

How Can You Tell If It’s Grief and What Can You Do About It?

When someone we love leaves us or dies, the neural networks in our brain that are wired for connection short out. This is a completely natural but frightening experience. When you lose someone, you grieve the loss of the connection…

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4 years ago

Coming Out from Under the Covers: A Widow’s Tale

Sometimes it’s hard to venture out when you’ve been isolated from the world for whatever reason. Have fears of Covid contamination made you feel like a kid coming out from under the covers yet? My husband could fix anything…

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