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In the 10 years since her retirement, Diane Dahli, B.Ed, M.A., has explored her passions, from growing medicinal herbs to remodeling houses. On her blog, Diane writes about what made the “Silent Generation” unique and why their place in history is so important. Diane has a master’s degree in education and psychology and lives with her husband in British Columbia, Canada. Visit her blog Still the Lucky Few and follow her on Twitter @StillLuckyFew.

Latest Posts By Diane Dahli

7 months ago

5 Ways to Balance Your Losses with Gains After 60

You may think that most of your challenges are behind you, but the natural progression of life dictates that unexpected things will happen to you as you age. Few people are ready, as they reach 60, for the onslaught of physical and neurological…

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9 months ago

Rediscovering the Thrill of Life after 60

When was the last time you felt thrilled? Yes, thrilled, as in “I’m thrilled to be here,” “I’m thrilled to see you,” and “I’m thrilled to be doing this.” Being thrilled is the epitome of positive human emotions. It means to be delighted, exhilarated, electrified and galvanized…

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2 years ago

How to Balance Freedom and Commitment in Your Marriage After 60

It takes more than love and determination to make a marriage work. People in successful marriages know that they have to compromise, they have to accept a certain loss of independence, sacrifice some of their goals, and more often…

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2 years ago

The Benefits of Mastering the Art of Small Talk After 60

As a woman over 60, you may long to be more socially confident. You want to feel more at ease in social situations. Your past experiences however, may bring back reminders of feeling awkward. You may not be comfortable even starting up a conversation…

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2 years ago

6 Ways to Renew Yourself After 60

As women over 60, we are constantly looking for ways to renew ourselves. In your search for this essence of aliveness, many of you will make big changes, quit your jobs, renovate your homes or go on a trip to find new adventures…

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3 years ago

4 Things You Can Do to Overcome Boredom in Retirement

As a woman over 60, you want every day to be fresh, vital and filled with joy. You try hard to keep negativity at bay, and are disappointed when you have feelings of boredom. In fact, most people are bored at one time or another during their lives…

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3 years ago

Women Over 60: It’s Time to Discover the Power of Your Creative Mind

As a woman over 60, you have already lived a long life. You have likely fulfilled many of your practical goals. You may have married, raised children and had a satisfying career. You have always put others first and, now that you are older, you may want a change of pace…

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4 years ago

Go Deeper! Change Your Emotions and Find Happiness After 60

We all know how it feels to be happy. Feel good chemicals like serotonin, oxytocin, dopamine, and endorphins surge into your bloodstream and literally give you a rush of joy. It makes you feel powerful and in control. This is a state you want to experience again and again. But it’s an elusive sensation. Read More

5 years ago

How to “Unthink” Your Way Into Overcoming Loneliness

A recent study saying that loneliness and social isolation are a major health hazard is no surprise to millions of people who are alone and lonely. Not having the fundamental human experience of connectedness is painful and even dangerous, especially if you are older. Read More

7 years ago

Millennials Are Sharing Differently… and Boomers Should Pay Attention!

Millennials are at the center of every discussion about values and lifestyle these days, and not much of the conversation is positive! It’s not that they are rebels, or scruffy, or rude to their elders – rather it’s because they are too nice. Read More