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Diana Raab, PhD, is memoirist, blogger, speaker, and award-winning author of 10 books, and numerous articles. She often writes and speaks on writing for healing and transformation. Her latest books are Writing for Bliss: A Seven-Step Program for Telling Your Story and Transforming Your Life and Writing for Bliss: A Companion Journal. Explore her books and Conversation Cards for Meaningful Storytelling.

Latest Posts By Diana Raab

4 years ago

Breast Cancer Can Happen to Any Woman – Can You Be a Survivor?

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which, for me, is another reminder that it’s been more than two decades since my diagnosis in 2000. Back then, one in five women was affected. Today, the American Cancer Society claims…

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4 years ago

Have You Lost Your Inspiration During the Pandemic?

For some people, the pandemic has been a lesson in dealing with isolation. For others, it’s offered valuable alone time for reflection. For me, the silver lining has been that even after more than six decades on this planet…

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4 years ago

The Importance of Meaningful Conversation at Any Age

As an only child who grew up with a quiet and introverted mother and a father who worked very long hours, there wasn’t a great deal of meaningful conversation in my household. In fact, being raised on TV dinners made the meals…

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4 years ago

In Honor of the Men in Our Lives – Our Fathers and Grandfathers

In May, I wrote about honoring our mothers and grandmothers, so it’s only fair that this month I discuss fathers and grandfathers, as we typically think of June as a time to honor the male figures in our lives…

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4 years ago

Honoring Our Mothers and Grandmothers with a Letter

When we think of the month of May, many of us think about celebrating our mothers and grandmothers. Because I was born on Mothers’ Day many moons ago…

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5 years ago

How to Reclaim Your Sensuality Over 60

Do you remember a time when sex and intimacy were the most important elements in your life? Perhaps in recent years you’ve found that the urge and desire to have sex has dwindled…

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