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Diana Raab, PhD, is memoirist, blogger, speaker, and award-winning author of 10 books, and numerous articles. She often writes and speaks on writing for healing and transformation. Her latest books are Writing for Bliss: A Seven-Step Program for Telling Your Story and Transforming Your Life and Writing for Bliss: A Companion Journal. Explore her books and Conversation Cards for Meaningful Storytelling.

Latest Posts By Diana Raab

2 years ago

A Writer’s Musings on National Book Month

October is National Book Month and a time to focus on reading and the joy of books. It’s also a time to honor and bless our country’s favorite books and writers. As a writer myself, I’m thrilled to have this month to celebrate, and I hope that readers…

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2 years ago

Honoring My Loved Ones in September, National Suicide Prevention Month

Each year in September, I honor those who have died by suicide. Unfortunately, in my six decades of living, I have to report that I now know seven individuals who have taken their lives. They’re unrelated to each other, but all tragic…

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2 years ago

7 Techniques for Fostering Self-Awareness in Your 60s

From an early age, I often spent time jotting down feelings, musings, and motivations about myself and others. Being self-aware was my way to feel more empowered in a household that was often chaotic. Writing helped me make sense…

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2 years ago

The Joy of Letter Writing: Reviving a Habit Long Lost

Do you remember how years before the advent of the Internet we used to write old-fashioned letters to one another that we stamped and mailed? Maybe we even got creative and sealed the letter with special sealing wax…

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2 years ago

Using Poetry as a Memory Keeper

For as long as I can remember, I have been writing poetry. As a little girl, I adored books with poems in them and particularly loved rhyming poetry. As a teenager, I wrote love letters to my boyfriends and often ended them with…

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2 years ago

How Special Moments Can Be Life-Changing

June is often thought of as the beginning of summer. For some reason, I’ve always used the beginning of new seasons as a time for reflection. As a child, June marked for me the end of school and the start of summer fun, whether it was summer…

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2 years ago

How Poetry Changed Since the Time We Went to School

When most of us were in grade school, we were mainly exposed to classical poets such as Chaucer and Shakespeare. Mixed in might have been some limerick poems…

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3 years ago

Honoring Women Writers During Women’s History Month

March signifies Women’s History Month, and, each year, the National Women’s History Alliance chooses a different theme. This year’s is “Women Providing Healing, Promoting Hope.” According to the Alliance, this is a tribute to the ceaseless…

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3 years ago

Unconditional Love Across the Life Span – Do We Know What It Is and How to Show It?

February has long been considered the month of love. Whether or not you’re in a romantic relationship, this month is a good excuse to celebrate any type of love and adoration…

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3 years ago

Are You Still Full of Lust in Your 60s?

I’ve always thought of February as the month of love, whether romantic or platonic. So, this seems like a good time to discuss the importance of maintaining a lustful and passionate life…

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