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Diana Raab, PhD, is memoirist, blogger, speaker, and award-winning author of 10 books, and numerous articles. She often writes and speaks on writing for healing and transformation. Her latest books are Writing for Bliss: A Seven-Step Program for Telling Your Story and Transforming Your Life and Writing for Bliss: A Companion Journal. Explore her books and Conversation Cards for Meaningful Storytelling.

Latest Posts By Diana Raab

1 year ago

A Nursing Perspective: 38 Years Later

National Nurse’s Week in the US is May 6th to May 12th. The week honors Florence Nightingale’s birthday which is on May 12th. Nightingale is known as the founder of modern nursing. It’s been 38 years since I graduated…

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1 year ago

Honoring Pablo Neruda During National Poetry Month

April is National Poetry Month, and this year I’d like to honor one of my favorite poets, Pablo Neruda. About 20 years ago, a friend gifted me a copy of Neruda: Selected Poems. My friend was bilingual in English and Spanish and like many of Neruda’s…

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2 years ago

Celebrating Our Role Models on International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is on Wednesday, March 8, and it’s a great time to not only honor and celebrate those women who came before us, but also those who continue to inspire us on our life journeys…

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2 years ago

All You Need Is Love

I’ve always viewed February as the month of love. Whether it’s about loving oneself, a spouse, partner, parent, child or pet, being mindful of the importance of love is a vital life force. Many of us have easily gotten lost…

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2 years ago

Aphrodite and My Other Goddess Archetypes

For my birthday a number of years ago, a dear girlfriend organized a ladies’ luncheon for me. It was touching, especially since I had not had a luncheon in my honor for more than 20 years. I had given her the name of 10 of the most powerful women I know…

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2 years ago

6 Blissful Ways to Write During the New Year

We are about to embark on a new decade, and for most of us, this marks our sixth or seventh decade on the Earth. With a new decade, we can choose to make intentions for new beginnings…

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2 years ago

Writing and Finding Your Life Passion

December is a good time for an annual review and also a good time to reevaluate that you are doing all that you can do to bring joy into your life. Discovering and claiming our passion is about knowing what we love doing…

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2 years ago

The Joy of the Thanksgiving Stories

Ever since my childhood, Thanksgiving has been my favorite holiday. It was a time for us all to come together to share stories and connect. I recall my mother spending several weeks preparing for the festivities…

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2 years ago

How to Practice Gratitude Journaling and Transform Your Life After 60

Many senior women tend to feel a little sad at this time of year as the holidays approach. They might feel disconnected or far from their families, either because of location or because loved ones have passed away…

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2 years ago

How to Find Your Writer’s Voice After 6 Decades of Living Abundantly

We’re all storytellers. Was there a time years ago when you did a lot of writing or dreamed about being a writer? Perhaps people have told you that you should write a book. Maybe you want to share a family story or secret…

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