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Denise Svajlenko is a non-fiction writer and author of the book Evolving: My Lessons of Self-Discovery (available to purchase on Amazon). She retired from her corporate career and now spends her time fulfilling her passions of writing and travelling. You can follow her on Facebook or Instagram via denisesvajlenkoauthor or visit her website

Latest Posts By Denise Svajlenko

2 years ago

Discovering New Sports After 60

The cooler breezes and shorter days signaled to me that the end of our magnificent Autumn was fast approaching. I mourned the thought of having to store away my bike, golf clubs and outdoor sneakers, and other constant warm weather…

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2 years ago

Discovering My True Life Calling

We’ve all been told that we have a life purpose or calling. How many of us really know what that is? I’ve spent much of my life on my journey of discovery, but it wasn’t until after I retired from my vocation that I finally discovered my calling…

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2 years ago

My European River Cruise Discoveries

We had cruised on countless large ocean vessels, but never embarked on a small ship. River cruising was on our bucket list, and we were anxiously anticipating our Emerald 14-day Danube River Cruise itinerary going from Budapest to Amsterdam…

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2 years ago

How to Feel Religious and Spiritual in Retirement

The Hindu culture believes that the third stage of our life should be devoted to “vanaprastha” which means retiring to the forest. In other words, retirement is the time of our life to focus less on extrinsic rewards and more on intrinsic motivation…

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2 years ago

How to Feel Wealthy in Retirement

We all have been led to believe that our lives would be so much happier if we were wealthy. The dictionary definition of wealth means to have an abundance of money or possessions. Many books have been written with titles such as How to Get Rich…

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2 years ago

Exploring 5 of Canada’s Most Beautiful Cities

After a two-year pause due to Covid, I am so pleased that travel is finally returning. We are all yearning to leave our homes and to explore exciting new destinations. I am blessed to live in Canada, one of the most beautiful countries in the world…

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3 years ago

Finding Inconceivable Joy of Turning 60

I can hardly believe that I will be turning 60 this year. I know it is a cliché, but I find myself repeatedly asking, where did the time go? It doesn’t seem that long ago that I thought that 60 was considered old. It is interesting how we view age so differently…

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3 years ago

5 Life Lessons I Have Learned from Aging

I must confess that my life would have been so much happier in my childhood and earlier adulthood, if I had discovered then what I know now. All of the universal life lessons that I learned from my positive and negative relationships…

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