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Delia Lloyd is an American writer and communications consultant based in London. Her writing has appeared in outlets including The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Financial Times, and The BBC World Service. She blogs about adulthood at and is a visiting fellow at the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing. Follow her on Twitter @realdelia.

Latest Posts By Delia Lloyd

7 years ago

Desert Island Discs: Nostalgic Songs That Define Our Life Stages

There’s a popular, long-running radio show in the U.K. called Desert Island Discs. The premise behind the show is quite simple: A guest is invited by the host to choose the eight records they would take with them to a desert island. It’s really a vehicle for getting famous people – whether that’s Bill Gates or David Beckham or Zaha Hadid – to narrate their lives through music.
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7 years ago

Listen to This Surprising Advice from Your Future 90-Year-Old Self!

I was having lunch with a friend the other day and we got to talking about my next career move. I’m at that stage – once again – where I’m thinking about what’s next for me professionally. So, I laid out the three options I’m currently mulling over.
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8 years ago

How to Increase Your Sense of Belonging as You Get a Little Older

I had breakfast recently with two friends in their 70s. Both have enjoyed very successful professional lives, but are now struggling with how to “give back” in later life. Read More

8 years ago

Are You Wearing a Costume to Work? Maybe it’s Time for an Encore Career!

I ran into a former colleague at a party recently. He told me that despite having a prestigious and well-paying job in the private sector, he felt like he needed to move on from his current position because he’s been wearing a “costume” to work for the past two years. Read More