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Delia Lloyd is an American writer and communications consultant based in London. Her writing has appeared in outlets including The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Financial Times, and The BBC World Service. She blogs about adulthood at and is a visiting fellow at the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing. Follow her on Twitter @realdelia.

Latest Posts By Delia Lloyd

6 years ago

My Love-Hate Relationship with Sundays

I saw Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again with my teen-aged daughter recently. I need to get that out of the way up front in case there are any ABBA haters out there. Yes, the film is cheesy as all get out. Read More

6 years ago

Advice for Aspiring Older Entrepreneurs: Every Day Is Groundhog Day

The writer and artist Austin Kleon has a great tip for how to stay creative: “Remind yourself that ‘Every Day is Groundhog Day.’” Read More

6 years ago

In Search of Authenticity and Integrity in Midlife Balance

I had coffee with a friend of mine in London recently. We talked about our joint desire to make our second half of life both meaningful and productive. Read More

7 years ago

5 Ways to Cultivate Gratitude in Daily Life After 60

It’s that time of year again: the time when we make resolutions. A few years back, I decided that rather than set specific, time-bound goals for myself each year, I would embrace an annual concept. One year it was slow living. Another year it was authenticity.

This year my concept is gratitude. Read More

7 years ago

5 Reasons Taking an Acting Class in Retirement Might Be Good for You

I did a lot of acting when I was a child. Early family productions of the Nativity story featured me, as Mary, screaming “The Baby is Coming! The Baby is Coming!” while my brother dropped a Baby Tenderlove doll onto my lap from the top of the staircase. Read More

7 years ago

Finding a Job After 60: 5 Tools That Can Help You Craft Your Personal Elevator Pitch

Ah, the elevator pitch. That magically concise statement of your background, experience and ambition, all neatly trimmed down to 30 seconds, which can, rendered persuasively, land you your next job. Read More

7 years ago

Reinvention After 60: My Experience with the Butterfly Theory of Personal Development

Not long ago I got an email from a reader of my blog, RealDelia. She shared a poem that she’d seen posted elsewhere on the Internet which used the metaphor of the butterfly’s chrysalis to describe those periods when we need to go inside ourselves to grow…

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7 years ago

Nourish Your Inner Project Manager Through Cooking

Recently, I spent a week at the house of my 86-year-old mother. I was there to help her to clear out her home in preparation for an imminent move to an independent living facility. Read More

7 years ago

How to Redefine Yourself When You Are Made Redundant

I’m about to lose my job. It’s a long story, but the Reader’s Digest version is that I work for a large, British NGO in London that just lost a big chunk of its government funding.

As a result of that decision, my entire department is being shut down at the end of July. Read More

7 years ago

2 Surprising Ways Games Can Solve Relationship Conflicts

I had lunch with a friend recently who I only see now and again. After many years of being married – and then dating a series of different men – she feels that she might have finally found “the one.” Read More