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Delia Lloyd is an American writer and communications consultant based in London. Her writing has appeared in outlets including The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Financial Times, and The BBC World Service. She blogs about adulthood at and is a visiting fellow at the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing. Follow her on Twitter @realdelia.

Latest Posts By Delia Lloyd

5 years ago

The Importance of Virtual Volunteering in Times When We Can’t Be Physically Present

In the wake of the all-consuming Coronavirus, there is plenty of advice floating around for how to keep yourself calm and occupied at home…

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5 years ago

I’m a Workaholic, and It’s Time to Deal with It

My chief goal for this year is to figure out why I work. Yeah, I know that sounds absurd. But when I created my New Year’s resolutions this year, I realized that while my writing…

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5 years ago

Work Smart or Work Hard? What Defines Your Business Plan This New Year?

I woke up on January 2nd this year in a complete state of panic. I’d slept poorly – having a version of my standard “getting lost” dream. (This time, I was on a bus you couldn’t disembark…)

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5 years ago

New Year’s Resolutions for Mature Minds: Set Concepts, Not Lists

While home visiting my family over the holidays, my sister mentioned a few of the resolutions she’d set for herself this year. Read More

5 years ago

How to Embrace Holiday Traditions – Old and New – While Living Abroad

I recently got an email from two of my siblings asking my opinion on a family matter. Apparently, one of our aunts used to send a tub of popcorn to each of her grown-up nieces and nephews, every Christmas…

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5 years ago

What Does Empowerment Mean to a Solopreneur Woman in Her 60s?

I had lunch with a friend the other day. Like me, she launched a new business in her 50s. Now, she’s launching another one (after taking a year out to recover from cancer)…

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5 years ago

Friend Dating for Boomer Women Who Want to Add Value to Later Life

I went on a date recently. No, I wasn’t cheating on my husband. I was meeting a friend of a friend for coffee. Much like real “set-ups,” I put this one off for a long time. Our mutual friend had introduced us months ago…

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5 years ago

How to Adopt a Growth Mindset in Later Life: 5 Tools That Got You Covered!

One of the things I enjoy most about my new life as a communications consultant is the variety it brings. One day I’m coaching a student on how to write a doctoral thesis… another day I’m editing a policy briefing… and the next I’m delivering a workshop on life skills for offices to a group of statisticians. Read More

6 years ago

Embracing a Portfolio Career Later in Life

A year or so before I broke up with my therapist, I arrived at one of our bi-monthly sessions one day, plopped myself down, and announced that we’d be discussing career change. It was a few months after I’d been laid off from my job, and I was beginning to contemplate my next professional move. Read More

6 years ago

How Breaking Up with My Therapist Allowed Me to Continue My Journey

I broke up with my therapist recently. That sounds a bit dramatic. What I mean is that I ended a formal relationship with a talk therapist I’d been seeing fairly regularly over the past few years. And, like all break-ups – even the ones that you know need to happen – I felt incredibly sad afterwards. Read More